Fit mom

Fit mom

Sunday, August 31, 2014

FREE Abs Group- Sept. 8th

1 week from tomorrow I will be hosting a FREE Abs group along with one of my other coaching buddies :) I have put 1 video together so far>> Paper Plate Abs. It knocked the wind out of me…  not really but you know ;)

If you want to lock in a spot for this group shoot me a message or connect with me through Facebook. The more the merrier! Again it is absolutely free. The only thing we ask is that you participate and share. We are putting a lot of work into this and its going to be good!!

Monday, August 18, 2014

MAKE your dreams happen

Its so darn easy to get off track and start pushing our dreams aside. When things start going wrong we tend to get afraid of what might happen and let our dreams go.

Don't let that happen! Failure is ok. It makes us stronger. If success was easy and a free ride, everyone would be living their dreams!

Today I am going to go out there and MAKE my dreams happen. Today is a start to something new and I am feeling fearless!

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Are you ready for a change?

How would you feel if you tried on a pair of pants or shirt that has always been tight on you and for them to actually fit nice or be TO BIG?!

For you to think WOW I did it. I overcame my fear of failure and pursued my goals and I actually made it!

I want to take you on this journey and for you to earn that feeling of accomplishment, healthiness, and happiness!

Like or Comment if you want to make a change for yourself and if you are ready to fit into an old pair of jeans!

I want to help you get there! Email me if you are ready to take control and to take action of your life and body!

Friday, August 15, 2014

Sneak Peak into Coaching!

I am looking for a few friends to coach along side me. I want people who want to go far! I want people who have BIG dreams and goals and are ready to take control of their lives. Together WE are going to go all the way to the top because I am not going to let anything stop us.

Starting Monday I am holding a 5 day “sneak peek” into coaching group. No obligations! Just me showing you what I do and why I love it so greatly. Join us and be a “fly on the wall” if you will ;)

For too long I have been waiting for everything to make sense to me and for everything to become clear. It is finally clear! I know my goals, dreams, and where I want to go. I am on the road and headed towards success and freedom. I want to take you on the journey with me if you are willing to take a closer look.

Right now I have 3 spots available. Apply with the link below! No obligations. This is just for me to help you figure out if this is right for you J

Email me or message me on Facebook for more information and to be added into this free group!

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Shine Bright!

Take a moment to think about where you want to be in 2 years. Do you ever do that? Stop and think about where you want to go and HOW you are going to get there?

I have found out that the first step to getting anywhere in life is believing in yourself and believing that you are worthy of your dreams.

I had SO much self doubt a few months back. I was at an all time low with my self esteem and confidence. I was settling!! NOT OK! But sometimes we do that and we get sucked into that negative mind set.

You ARE worth it. There are millions of people out there and only 1 YOU! So shine bright!

Happy Tuesday! Make magic happen.

Friday, August 8, 2014

Time is not going to stop. Its up to you!

You know how many people I have had tell me that they want to eventually stay at home with their kids or that they wish they could be home with their kids?

I am looking for a few friends to coach along side me. A few friends who want tips and advice on how to build a strong business and how to make enough income to be able to stay home.

Time is not going to stop. Your kids are not going to stop growing and that dead end job is probably not going to take you very far.  So lets do something about this!

Let me show you how it is possible for you to climb on board with me and be successful! I have seen it happen over and over. I am going to take this horse by the reins and lead my team to success! I have this burning sensation inside of me to become MORE! Do you want to be part of that?

Are you willing to take a closer look?!
Shoot me a message or email me!

Life is way too short not to love yourself!

We only have so many days in this life. Don't spend those days at war with yourself!

Love yourself first!! All good things will follow. Love yourself enough to make changes that benefit you and to know that you are WORTH IT! You are 150% worth it!

Live your dreams and don't settle. You have potential burning inside of you. You just have to light that flame!

Thursday, August 7, 2014

What if you fly?!

What if I FAIL?! That big scary word!

Many times someones excuse for not doing something that they really WANT is because they are afraid of failing or failing again. We all have to start somewhere with everything right?! Take that leap of faith and RUN with it! Tell yourself that you are worth it and don't let anything hold you back.

Get a clear picture of what is possible for your future!! Don't ask yourself what if I fail, give up, or quite. Ask yourself what if I SUCCEED?! There are so many possibilities!

Believe in yourself. If you go in with all this self doubt your chances of failing are much greater than if you go in with BIG dreams and self worth!

Do you have big dreams?!

Like or comment if you have ever been afraid to dream BIG because of your fear of failure!

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

My Transformation!

I guess I will participate in Transformation Tuesday this week but a little late :)

The left picture is back in January 2014 on our honeymoon and the right is about 1 month ago now.

When we were on our honeymoon I did not feel 100% confident with my body. Heck I wasn't very confident at all. I remember seeing this picture and thinking wow I need to change something NOW. Over the winter months I started putting my health aside. I was putting myself last and it was starting to show.

It is hard for me to post this now. To show you that I once too had fallen off track! I want you to know that it is ok to be a beginner. It is ok to be terrified of starting your journey. And it is ok to look up at that mountain that you have to climb and wondering if you are ever going to make it to the top. If you put yourself around the right people, develop a positive mindset, and really WANT it, you will make it!

Everyone has to begin somewhere.

Like or comment if you have ever felt insecure with yourself after you saw a certain picture like I did in the one here!

Email me or find me on Facebook if you want help creating your own transformation!

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Even bad days have happy moments!

We had a time call last night and I am so glad that I jumped on that call. We talked all about how to be happy in the present and how to train yourself to think positively. That is why I LOVE this business! Everyone wants you to be the best YOU. Its incredible! I have never been so motivated and inspired in my entire life.

We are always waiting for happiness aren't we?
Waiting for the weekend.
Waiting for summer.
Waiting to graduate.
Waiting for a promotion.
Waiting to retire.
Waiting for a vacation.
Waiting to buy a bigger house.

Fill in this blank.
I will be happy when __________.
Truth is, we just need to learn to be happy in the present.

I need to work on this myself for sure! I am not even close to perfect. I am going to be trying a few things to better myself in this area. I need to learn that yes, even on bad days there are happy moments! We just need to chose to focus our attention on those happy moments and not on the negativity that so easy SUCKS us in!

Try just observing sometime. Observe how much negativity there is all around us each day. Its sad really! Observe yourself! When you are getting sucked into the negativity stop and take a breath. Focus on the good things that are happening and be grateful for everything you have.

Smile! Be present! Be Fearless!

Monday, August 4, 2014

Suck it up buttercup!

Today is THE day!!
The day we start up the August Challenge group!! Some of these girls have been going hard for a few weeks already but I have faith that they are going to finish strong! Some girls are starting fresh today, including myself!
I have been letting myself slip here and there a few times to many. Its time to get back in line and work hard! Time to envision my goals and make them more clear. I am starting up today and going HARD! Nothing is stopping me.
Do you feel like you could use some motivation and support from others who have similar goals as you? Come on this journey along with us! I have a few spots open still! THIS is your chance to do something for YOU.
Suck it up buttercup were going in!

Sunday, August 3, 2014

What do I typically eat in a day?

I wanted to share with all of you what my daily meals typically look like. This is what I was eating on the 21 day fix and have continued to stick to it pretty good. I will be starting up the 21 day fix again on Monday and am super excited! If any of you want to join my group and I you are welcome to. Its going to be tons of fun! These are what my choices for each meal usually look like. If you don't know already I like to keep things simple! I find things that I like and tend to stick with them. Once in awhile I will try a new recipe and if it is something I like (and easy to make!) I will add it into the mix :)

Here is the link to the follow recipes plus many more!

Breakfast- (8am-9am)

>Plain Greek yogurt with fresh/frozen fruit and honey- this took me awhile to get used to but now I love it and love the flavor that the frozen fruit juices add to it!

>Oatmeal pancakes…MY ALL TIME FAVORITE. I wake up in the morning excited to eat these! You can find this recipe on my recipe page!

Morning snack/lunch (11am-12am)
> SHAKEOLOGY :) I usually workout after breakfast around 10am then drink this. I consider this my lunch usually. Find all of my shakeology recipes here >>

>> my favorite one! Chunky monkey!! Yummm

Early afternoon snack (1pm-2pm) 

I will eat a snack shortly after lunch just when I am starting to get hungry. This snack will usually consist of one of the follow choices.

>2 hard boiled eggs and baked veggies

>almonds and carrots
>apple w/ all natural peanut butter
>cut cauliflower with hummus
>If I have chicken in the fridge I will eat a piece of baked/grilled chicken and veggies
>a salad
> greek yogurt with fruit and honey
>omelette (sodium free turkey slices, green peppers, onions, salsa, and egg whites)

Late afternoon Snack (3pm-4pm)

I will usually eat another small snack from the list above. I would chose something small like either fruit or veggies. I won't have protein here since dinner is in a few hours :)

Dinner (6pm-7pm)

For dinner I will have something that is in my recipes. This is where I take the most time to prepare my meal. During the day I eat go-to snacks. Something that is already prepared or doesn't take long at all to make. I take a little more time with dinner. This is also where I make extra food so that I will have leftovers. I make extra veggies and chicken.

I am ALWAYS thinking ahead and I think that is half the battle when it comes to eating healthy. Have options for all of your meals so that you are not convinced to settle for junk food. I do not write out my meals or have everything prepped for the week. But do always have an idea of what I am going to have for each meal and make sure that it is prepared ahead of time.

Remember, what you eat contributes to 80% of your fat loss. If you want to lose that belly fat you have to eat healthy. You can workout all you want but if you ruin it back eating junk and sweets you will not see results. Abs are made in the kitchen ;)

If you have work or are leaving town make sure that you pack healthy snack choices! Shakeology is a GREAT option for an on the go meal. Not to mention it is your healthiest meal. Pack other snacks that I have listed above and make sure that you have lunch/dinner/snacks packed and ready to go so that you don't have any excuse not to bring it with you.

Eating healthy can be fun! I LOVE food! I am always thinking about when my next meal is going to be. It might be hard to resist cravings at first. But after awhile it will become a habit for you and you will find yourself cravings healthy snacks vs. sweet empty calorie snacks. Have fun with it! Try new recipes and get your family on board so that you have that extra support! Make the change together!

If there is anything that you would like to know more about or questions for me feel free to message me! I would be glad to answer them for you!