Fit mom

Fit mom

What does my grocery shopping list look like??

If you want to start eating healthier, you need to start by cleaning out your cupboards of junk food and restocking with healthy foods. Its hard to know where to start so here is a glimpse at what I usually buy at the grocery store. I usually go to the store 2-3x a week. You will notice when you start buying healthy food and not so much processed foods that you need to stop at the store more often. Thats because your list should consist of very little processed foods. Here are some foods I buy. Not always all at once. Look at my recipes to get some recipe ideas! I am ALWAYS baking veggies in the oven. Hard boiled eggs and veggies are my Go-to quick lunch. And Shakeology of course!

I start in produce: This really depends no the season also
-Bananas- lots :)
-peaches (if they are good)
-blueberries- depending on price
-Frozen fruit for SHAKEOLOGY!! Yummmmm
-Sweet potatoes
-romaine lettuce
-red or green peppers
-brussel sprouts

What I use my fruit for- 
*add them to oatmeal pancakes (recipes)
*add them to your greek yogurt 
*plain as a snack
*apple sandwich (recipes)
*fresh or frozen blended up in Shakeology
*Lemon juice- I use this on almost everything. On my meat, veggies, and in my water! Its so good!

How I use my veggies-
*Cauliflower with Hummus (I use garlic Hyvee humus)
*Bake them in the oven at 375 for about 30 minutes 
*Salad with 21 day fix approved dressing- blue 21 day fix container (recipes for Dijon vinaigrette dressing)
*sweet potatoes bake for 25-30 min. at 375 (yellow 21 day fix container) 


-Unsweetened almond milk
-Plain greek yogurt (if you can't handle plain get vanilla but plain is best!) I defrost blueberries or other fruit so that the juices flavor the yogurt :)
-Egg whites


-Oatmeal (I use quick oats)
-Quinoa- alternative to rice
-salsa (or make your own!)
-Natural almonds
-All natural peanut butter (ingredients: peanuts)


Chicken breast
Salmon (I bought a big bag of frozen salmon)

That is my typical grocery list! It is made of a lot of fresh foods! That is why I make it to the grocery store so often. Because most of these foods can go bad fast. If you haven't visited my recipes page yet check it out! Figure out how to use these foods to actually make a meal :) Of course if you have any questions at all message me or email me! I am glad to help you out any way that I can! And lastly, HAVE FUN!! This is a journey and you are on your way to a healthier you! So just relax, have fun, and let me know if you have questions! 


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