Fit mom

Fit mom

Friday, February 6, 2015

What do I normally eat in a day?

Yesterday one of my customers asked me the question- "What do you normally eat in a day?" I think I may have shared this in the past but I thought I would tell you what I normally eat THESE days. Now keep in mind- my diet is by NO means perfect. There are things that I want to change and I will go through those also. But this is what my diet looks like right now and what has been working for me. I find a happy medium between eating healthy foods and getting the nutrition I need and having foods that I love!

I should also note- I am not a nutritionist. This is just my diet and I want to share it with all of you in hopes of maybe helping you start your journey with eating healthier and enjoying it at the same time!

Typically in the morning I will eat Greek yogurt with fruit. This is somewhat light but enough to get me going. I definitely am the type of person who needs to eat within 1 hour of waking up or I am dysfunctional. 

Breakfast- Plain Greek yogurt with fresh fruit (bananas, mango, strawberries, whatever!) I also add some honey for sweetener!

The picture on the side is a mix up that I sometimes have! Instead of berries, I will add apples to my yogurt with PB2 which is a protein powdered peanut butter. yummm!!

After breakfast is when I work out! I have to get it done in the morning for that "satisfied" feeling for the rest of my day! After my workout is the perfect time for some Shakeology! This is by far my most favorite meal of the day and I look forward to it! I even sometimes have it for dinner also, which you will see when we get to that point! You can check out my Shakeology recipes through my blog and find some of my favorites.

AM snack/early lunch- Shakeology: My favorite recipe is 1 scoop of chocolate Shakeology blended with 1/2 banana, 1 Tbsp. natural peanut butter, 8 oz. unsweetened almond milk, 8 oz. water, and a few ice cubes. 

In the early afternoon is usually when I will make something up for "lunch". (My eating schedule is kind of weird) haha I choose from any of the "more simple" recipes which you can find in the recipes part of my blog. Yesterday for instance, I made Southwestern Tofu Scramble and I have left overs for either today or tomorrow.

Late Lunch- Simple recipe. One of my favorites and very easy to make is the Southwestern Tofu Scramble which is pictured on the side. All you need is 1 container of Tofu, veggies of choice- I used asparagus and broccoli, olive oil, chili powder, and salsa. 
1) Pat out the moisture of the Tofu with a paper towel, add to the sauce pan with a little olive oil. Sprinkle chili powder over the Tofu and cook just like you were making scrambled eggs.
2) When the Tofu is done, remove, add the cut up veggies to your pan and add a little more olive oil. Cook through.
3) Combine the tofu, veggies, and salsa. Enjoy!

It really depends on the day, but I will usually have a snack in the afternoon. When I was doing the 21 day fix, this would be a veggie snack.. but I have turned it into an apple + peanut butter snack.. natural peanut butter of course. Now, I know that peanut butter is good for you.. in moderation.. and somedays I get a little carried away with my nut butter. I just love it.

Afternoon snack- apple with natural peanut butter- try to stick to 2 Tbsp. … if you can :P

Onto dinner.. which is a lot like lunch. It really depends on how much time I have and how hungry I am for dinner. AND if I am going to be cooking for Neil and Chloe or just myself. On nights where I am just not all that hungry, I will make another Shakeology recipe and it is just the perfect amount for me! Otherwise I will either eat my leftovers from lunch that day or make another recipe from my "recipes" page on my blog. There are a ton to choose from.. but I will share one that is super simple that I made for dinner just this week :)

Dinner- Oven baked lemon Salmon
You need:
-slices of lemon
-olive oil

Lay out tin foil and put your asparagus out, then salmon. Drizzle a little olive oil over the top of the salmon. Then add your lemon slices. Fold it up and throw it in the oven at 400 degrees for 30 minutes! 

I don't follow these exact recipes each day but this is about how it goes as far as how I space my meals. Breakfast and snacks are usually the same.. along with Shakeology. Its lunch and dinner that I switch up. Honestly though, I like to keep it as simple as possible.. it just makes it easier to stick with!!

Let me know what works for you and if this helps!



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