Fit mom

Fit mom

Monday, November 17, 2014

Loaded Sweet Potato Nachos

These last few weeks I have been OFF TRACK. Like taking little bites of treats here and there all the time.. this week I vowed that I would stay on track and stick to my meal plan! I plan on writing out a meal plan and sharing it on my blog also! But for now here is my latest recipe.. :)

Honestly, I thought the "chips" aka. the sweet potatoes were going to be more crunchy, but they weren't. Thats ok though.. because honestly this was SO delicious. I think the homemade salsa (which btw takes no time to make) really made this recipe! Also the homemade guacamole.. homemade homemade homemade. Yep, I did it all! So proud of myself ;) hehe

This recipe does take a little extra time, but not much. I'd say what takes the longest is slicing up the sweet potatoes and waiting for them to cook. I would say that they were probably in the oven for at least 30 minutes.. I just watched them until they looked crispy! If you are crunched on time, which I always seem to be, you could make the guacamole and salsa ahead of time and then you just have the chicken and the potatoes to make.

OHHH quick little success story of mine- today I found a pair of leggings that I had shoved into the bottom of my drawer last winter. Why?! Because I couldn't get them over my BUTT. Today I tried them on for the heck of it and what do you know?! They FIT!! .. COMFORTABLY! So now I get to enjoy these cute leggings this winter since I couldn't the last!

Here is what you will need and the directions for you NACHOS!

*Nacho Chips*
2 large sweet potatoes

1. Preheat oven to 375
2. Wash the potatoes and slice thinly with a mandolin. (I just thinly sliced with a knife- maybe THIS is why mine weren't quite so crispy)
3. Spray a baking sheet and lay the potato slices on the sheet.
4. Bake until crispy (roughly 30 minutes or more)

*Chipotle Chicken*
2 chicken breast, boneless and skinless
olive oil, 1 tbsp.
1/4 tsp. chili powder
1/4 tsp. cayenne powder
1/4 tsp. garlic powder
1/4 tsp. onion powder

1. Cut chicken breast into thin slices
2. In a large sauce pan, heat 1-2 Tbsp. olive oil.
3. Add the chicken to the pan and pour the seasonings on top.
4. Flip and stir until the chicken is completely cooked through.

2 ripe avocados
juice of 1/2 a lime
pinch of paprika
pinch of cayenne pepper
pinch of red pepper flakes
pinch of sea salt

1. Cut the avocados in half and remove the pit.
2. Scoop out the avocado and place in a bowl.
3. Add the seasonings and lime juice.
4. Either mash and stir together or blend in a blender

4-6 roma tomatoes
1/3 cup cilantro
1/2 onion
2 garlic cloves
1 jalapeƱo
1 lime juiced
1/4 tsp. sea salt

1. In a sauce pan, heat 1/4 cup water.
2. Slice the tomatoes in half and add them to the pan.
3. Let them sit for a few minutes on one side, then flip to cook a few minutes on the other side. Remove from pan.
4. The skins of the tomatoes should slide off.
5. Add the tomatoes and other ingredients to a food processor or blender.
** If you don't have a blender you can cut up the ingredients for chunkier salsa
OH>> And if you don't have a Ninja chopper, it is a great investment! ;)

These were a hit for both myself AND my 2 year old daughter.. We had about half of the sweet potato "chips" gone before the rest was made… oops :/ She loved the chicken too! For her I just gave her a veggie on the side and skipped the tomatoes and guacamole.. but she might have actually liked the guacamole! Ill have to test it out tomorrow ;)

Let me know how you like it and how YOUR "chips" turn out.. And as always, follow me for future recipes, tips, and motivation. And of course feel free to message me through my blog or friend me on Facebook!


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