Fit mom

Fit mom

Friday, June 13, 2014

Keeping up in life

How do people keep up with everyday life? That is my question of the day. There needs to be more hours in a day. Especially when you have a toddler, there are dishes in the sink and all over the counter, laundry needs to be done, you have work 9-5 that day. You name it- we all have our struggles. It can be extremely hard to get all these things done!! Like REALLY hard somedays.. BUT we have to somehow push through right? 

Here is my advice to you- and believe me I am no expert on time management. But this is what I am going to try to start doing starting TODAY.

1. Right down what needs to be done the next day before you go to bed at night.
2. Try to plan out your day. What time are you going to work out? What time are you going to get out of bed. If you have kids, do they nap? What time do they nap? 
3. Write a list of all the things you need to do during that nap time. Aka "power hour"
4. Write down things that you want to do for FUN that day. Yes, us adults need to have fun too. Are you going to go out with friends, take your kids to the park, go to the pool for an hour??
5. Get your butt out of bed 1 hour before you need to start your day.. I have SUCH a hard time with this. But starting tomorrow AM, this is happening. Why is this important? You don't start off your day in a chaotic stressful environment. You get to wake up knowing that you have a little time to just BE. OR if you have kids, like me, you can take that hour to have time for yourself. Maybe start breakfast before you have kids pulling at your leg! Make a cup of tea. Sit outside and read for 20 minutes.. ANYTHING that will start off your day in a positive way. I really need to work on this one myself! I know that once I do this, the whole day will go smoothly. I am not much of a morning person :/ 

So there are some tips that I have that will help you stay more organized during the day and help you manage your time. Like I said, I need to work on all of these myself starting NOW. But I know that if I start doing this it will be easier to make time for my business, family, workouts, and house chores, etc.. 

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