Fit mom

Fit mom

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Invest your time into yourself and your family

I was just thinking about being a good example for your kids and leading a healthy lifestyle. I remembered a long time ago, probably a couple years ago at least. I was talking to my mom about why people struggle so much with their weight now days and "back in the day" you didn't see weight problems like you do now. How its SO much harder for people to maintain a healthy weight.

I remember she told me that when she was a kid going to get a soda was a huge deal and a treat that happened very seldom. Now days people replace pop with water. And we wonder why back when our parents were young being a healthy weight was way more common than now.

They had home cooked meals every night. There parents invested the time and money to make sure there was dinner on the table. These days it is so easy to get caught up in life and busy. Going through the drive through and getting a quick meal is so much easier than making one.

If you have to cook ahead! Make enough meals on sunday to get you through the week. Freeze meals so that you can defrost it when you don't have much time. There are ways to get around it! You just need to try harder. Invest your time so that your family won't be another statistic for obesity and they will learn that getting a pop is a treat 

Here is the link to the picture since it is so small and hard to read!
Facts about Fast Food..

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