Fit mom

Fit mom

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

You have to create you own sunshine!!

Before this opportunity came across me I felt mediocre. I didn’t feel very special or like I could ever make an impact in the world.  I was just average. And that is what everyone wants to be is AVERAGE. We don’t want to be below average because we are afraid of failure or being judged. And most of us WANT to be above average but we are way to darn scared of taking a step to make it happen. Because we are afraid of FAILURE.

Failure can kiss my butt! I am not afraid of it anymore. You have nothing to lose! In order to be above average in this competitive world, you must take CHANCES! Give it everything you’ve got! It is completely up to you to make a change in your life, your family’s life, and the life of others.  No one else is going to do it for you. In order for YOU to be happy, YOU have to create your own sunshine!

This opportunity is full of determination, motivation, and drive. DRIVE to become whoever you want to be, to go as far as you want to go, and become the best person you possibly can for you and your family. Do you want to be able to stay home with your kids and watch them grow up, take a family vacation, or be able to work when and where you want? YOU need to take action.

I wish I could just give you guys a day in my mind to see how amazing this opportunity really is. BUT since I cant I am going to be setting up a group where you can learn a little more about coaching and what I do as a coach. Why I love this business SO very much. I need commitment from 5 people before I start! I need 5 people who want to create a better life for themselves and/or their family.

THIS could be your opportunity! If you have been wanting to make a change but don’t know where to start or are afraid of failure, please just talk to me. Let me SHOW you how you can become successful and make a change in your life!

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