Fit mom

Fit mom

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

60 day PROGRESS pictures

Last sunday I reached day 60 with Body Beast!! Can you believe it?! I have never made it to day 60 with a program before.. not even going to lie! Insanity I gave up 2 weeks before I was supposed to be done.. now with the accountability of my challenge group and coaches absolutely nothing can stand in my way!

Starting out this journey I was super skeptical because I am not a huge "lifter". I am a cardio girl!! I like my HIIT and my cardio workouts.. so this was stepping a lil out of my comfort zone :/ BUT I knew that I needed to rev it up a bit and take it a step further. I wanted to tone up and try something new but still be challenging myself. So I chose to try the program Body Beast.. I have a trip to Mexico coming up in december and I need to look like a BOMBSHELL on that Beach :D

My first 30 days were awesome! I saw results even with a vacation in there. YES- I brought my workouts on vacation with me and did them on my laptop in the weight room! Not a single care in the world!! hahaha BUT I did cheat meals big time!! Dark chocolate, couple bites of a donut, toddler snacks, ice cream… more ice cream- you name it, i ate it. Frozen yogurt a couple times.. ya, bad!!! haha So I was nervous to post my 30 day pictures.. Day 30 was only about 6 days after we got back from our trip, and I could tell a difference for sure!! So this definitely gave me some momentum.

Not only could I TELL a difference, I could feel a difference! I could tell that my body was tightening up I guess you could say! My booty was tighter and LIFTED :D My arms are getting some serious definition. OK, I got this.. I CAN DO THIS!!! So here I go into the next 30 day segment….

After I saw those 30 day pics I KNEW that this program was doing its job. I mean I had cheated more in those 30 days then I probably have in many months.. and I could still see that it was working. SO I decided to take it up a notch and this time around watch my eating a little better :) I portioned out my meals a little better and watched what foods I was eating. Don't get me wrong- I had a cheat meal here and there but I tried to keep them to a minimum… we all know how that goes sometimes though :/ BUT I did ok. So my next 30 day progress pics I am VERY happy with >>

Needless to say this program has proven itself to me for sure. I still have 30 days to go and plan to make them count!!! Stay tuned for those pics! PS Showing you all these pics gives me SO much accountability!! I mean.. you know they are coming so what am I going to do?? Go eat half a cake and then take my pics.. probably not! lol

Feel free to follow me on my blog or on Facebook for motivation and support through your own fitness journey! Also feel comfortable reaching out to me! I promise I will get back to you. :)

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