Fit mom

Fit mom

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Because of her I will not fall

I'm taking a HUGE leap of faith here.. Tomorrow is my last day of work!

We have known ever since Chloe was blessed into our lives that I was not meant to be a working mom. I couldn't send my daughter off every morning to be raised by a stranger.. But we did need that extra income. So I was working part time knowing that this wasn't going to work for us forever.

On May 19, 2014 I was offered the coaching opportunity. I didn't know what I was in for.. and I definitely did know that it was going to have such a huge, positive impact on my life and those around me. I am happy to say that I am now a Full time stay at home mom. I can not thank everyone who has helped me get to this point enough!! I want to send a special thank you to Kelsey Dray. If she wouldn't have offered me this opportunity I would still be extremely unhappy with myself.

Here is the deal.. I am now a FULL TIME stay at home mom AND coach!! There couldn't be a better time for YOU to join this journey with me. I am going to be building a team of Doers, entrepreneurs, motivators, and DREAMERS. I have every intention of helping my team build an empire of their own. To be your own boss!

Do you want to work from home,
stay home to watch your children grow and learn,
and make an income doing so?

If not now, then when?? I took a leap of faith back in May and it is the best thing I could have done for myself and my family.

Apply at the link below and message me to know that you are up for success!

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