Fit mom

Fit mom

Monday, October 20, 2014

Its late and my mind is lost...

I am sitting in my bed thinking about all the things I have to do and how to better manage my time .. because right now I keep scrolling through my newsfeed and THAT is not good time management.. especially at 10:30 pm..

Here is whats on my mind.. maybe writing it out for all to see and "talking out loud" to you will help my mind settle!

1)ooooo you guys I am so so excited to post my recipe tomorrow! You are going to <3 it! It was A-mazing.

2) Chloe and I are going to our first MOPS tomorrow! We are super excited! She loves getting together with kids and out of the house.. as do I :)

3) I need to figure out a way to get my butt out of bed in the AM and be more productive. I tend to just stay up late. BUT I would rather hit the hay earlier and rise earlier.. starting my day off early and NOT In a rush is fantastic. But I struggle in this area.

4) My house is a total and complete disaster right now.. I am looking over to my left and there has to be 4-5 baskets of unfolded laundry next to the bed. If you tried to walk through my house right now you would have about a 75% chance of either breaking a toe or falling on your face due to tripping on a alphabet letter from our fridge, shoes, Chloe's Rody, or clothing articles that were left laying out because this momma is just plain DONE for the night.

5) Maybe I should hire someone to come organize my house.. I am just NOT skilled in this area. Maybe we should throw out some stuff.. hmmm. yep, we should throw out some stuff. Definitely. I wonder how much it would cost to hire a maid. Eventually I might seriously consider this..

I suppose I should get back on track and focused… now that my thoughts are all laid out in the open ;)

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