What is a Challenge Group?
A Challenge Group is a small group of like minded individuals all working TOGETHER to help each other achieve their fitness goals!
As a Team Beachbody Coach we could sell you the workout programs or Shakeology and just leave it at that. And yes, we do earn some money for referring you to these programs. But here is the thing- We want to see you SUCCEED with these workouts! We want to see you reach your fitness goals that you have wanted to reach for so long! This is why Challenge groups come in handy. We all need a little push or extra motivation once in awhile to get going on a workout program, or to even continue it after doing it for awhile. Motivation goes a LONG ways!! Without the motivation and extra push that you will get from joining a challenge group, your workout program is likely to end up on the shelf to collect dust. Lets be serious. It has happened to the best of us. We don't want to admit it, but it has. Not you. Not this time around! You are guaranteed to get your best results if you join a Challenge group! Why? ACCOUNTABILITY. You will be held accountable for your own health and fitness. You will have your coach checking in with you to make sure your workouts and meals plans are going good.

What is expected of you as a Challenge Group Participant?
~Typically Challenge Groups consist of five participants per group.
Your commitment is however many days the challenge group goes for and you choose YOUR preferred Beachbody workout program! You do your workouts from home, on your own time, whenever it is convenient for you. There is no travel involved!
~Drink Shakeology everyday!!
~And participate in a PRIVATE Facebook accountability page. This is our group that we create to post our motivation and support. You are encouraged to post as much as possible to keep in the loop with everyone and stay motivated! :)

So what do you need to get started in a Challenge Group?
~Contact me today to find out dates for upcoming Challenge Groups!
~Contact me today to discuss which Challenge Pack would be right for you and to place your  Challenge Pack order!

* Go to my profile and click "follow me on Facebook" :)*

But what is a Challenge Pack?
Challenge packs are a great way to purchase your preferred Beachbody workout program and Shakeology at a discounted price! 
What does a Challenge Pack include??
• A workout program of YOUR choice.
• Your first full month of Shakeology of your choice will be delivered monthly on HD for discounted shipping. You also will not have to worry about re-ordering every month.
• A FREE 30-day trial membership of the Team Beachbody Club.