Fit mom

Fit mom

How I lost those stubborn 8 lbs.!

Back in Highschool I started getting into working out. I fell in love with it! I gained weight as a junior. Not that I was over weight by any means but you know.. those pounds that just start piling on! I never had to worry about my weight before that. I was naturally tiny. BUT we grow up and our bodies start to mature ;) Anyways.. thats why I got into working out. And I fell in love with the way it made me feel about myself.

I would go to the gym after school for at least 1 hour. About 30 minutes of cardio on the treadmill or elliptical, and then 30 minutes of weights. I did that every single day. Same thing! I thought I was doing the right things.. but I hit a plateau. I didn't know what I was doing in the weight room either. I hated lifting weights along with the HUGE guys. I always felt like I was "intruding".. I would basically take whatever machine was open.

Chloe was born in October of 2012. After I had her I tried to get out to the gym.. but if you are a mom you know that it is not easy to get out of the house, especially with a newborn. I would have my mom come over during her lunch break or after work and I would RUSH over to the gym, workout for maybe 30 minutes, and rush back. When I was at the gym I felt guilty and wanted to be back home. I saw an infomercial for insanity one day and decided to get that for christmas in dec. 2012. With insanity I gained a lot of lost muscle back from my pregnancy.

In May of 2014 I decided to start coaching. I was sick and tired of trying to get out of the house and to the gym in the evenings to workout. It just wasn't "working out" for me ;) Funny right?! I had gotten results and enjoyed insanity and T25 so I thought I would pay it forward and help others. I ordered the 21 day fix when I signed up to coach. I had heard a little bit about this program but not a whole lot. To say the least- It is the best program I have ever done. I have never had such great results. Let alone in only 3 weeks. I was amazed with myself. The thing I learned is that what you eat plays a HUGE role in your results. I used to eat what I wanted and then go workout and expected results. Nope, not happening..

I still use the 21 day fix meal plan and do the workouts here and there. Sometimes I will do a whole round of it again because it just WORKS. And I have the accountability and support with my groups and coaches to help me push myself and be the best that I can.


When I was going to the gym, I was working out but I had no idea what to do with my meal plan. I also had NO support. No one to check in with me and make sure that I am coming to the gym every day or pushing me to my limits. So there I was working my butt off with no results..

The 21 day fix workouts are only 30 minutes a day. I LOVE this!! As a mom to a toddler, your time is extremely valuable. So the fact that I can get a kick ass workout done in only 30 minutes is simply heavenly!! The color coordinated containers are a life saver. Simply decide what you are going to eat, measure the food groups out, and you are good to go! No counting calories and carbs. OH-- I have tried that before too.. it doesn't work so well. Who has time to cook your meals AND do math?!

So here I am! I got rid of those stubborn 8 lbs. that seemed to stick with me no matter what.. And I did it the healthy way! No crash dieting.. in fact some people tell me that they struggle to eat all the containers for each day! WHAT?! A diet where you get MORE than enough food to eat. Yes!!!! You get to eat lots of food!


        21 Day Fix

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