Fit mom

Fit mom

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Get soft curls in 5 minutes or less!

Check out my video and learn how you can get soft curls like these in 5 minutes or less!

To be completely honest.. I don't get out much. Nor do I get READY to go out much. I am a Stay at home mommy and work from home. I live in my workout clothes and I like it that way lol.. but I do love to get dolled up and go out every now and then.. and a little curl never hurt anyone ;)

So I am actually obsessed with this technique because I don't have the time to stand in front of a mirror for 45 minutes getting ready to go out. I have a 2 year old daughter running around the house who needs me for something every minute or two.. haha So I don't get much accomplished when I am getting "ready" to leave go out. I usually get very frustrated.. First you have to pick out an outfit.. and lets be honest- I SHOULD do this step ahead of time.. (the day before or in the morning).. but it never ever happens. I am that girl who is tearing through her closet, trying to figure out what she is going to wear, and supposed to be leaving the house in 30 minutes. Yep, thats me. No make up, not a clue what to wear, and picking out shoes is a whole other story!

So I do love to get dressed up and go out every now and then.. NOTE: every now and then ;) I am a home body… Chilling in my workout clothes, no makeup on.. thats my kind of day! But dressing up is fun too.. So this hair technique is going to seriously help me out!! Hope it helps you as well!

Comment and share if this was helpful to you! And follow my blog for future tutorials and videos!


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