Fit mom

Fit mom

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Egg Muffins- Mommy and Toddler approved!

This week has been FULL of meal prepping.. like I mean crazy! So I am bombarding you with meals and ideas on how to cook for both yourself and your picky toddler :)

Here are the Egg Muffins that I made this AM. These took less than 30 minutes and will easily get us through the rest of the week. I served the with a banana!

You can put whatever you want into these really! I will tell you what I put into both Chloe's and mine. But you can add whatever veggies/cheese/meats that you want!

What I used for mine:

-6 eggs
-red pepper

What I used for Chloe's:

-5 eggs
-cheddar cheese
-breakfast sausage, cooked (used about 1/4 lb.)

Heat the oven to 350. Use 2 separate bowls to whisk the ingredients together. Pour them into your muffin tins. *About each egg counts for 1 muffin tin. Bake for about 25 minutes.

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