Fit mom

Fit mom

Friday, November 14, 2014

What if failure was impossible?

I have been thinking lately about my goals and how differently I look at them now verses a few months ago…

A few months ago I was afraid of setting goals. When I did set a goal I had no plan of action on how I was going to get there. I was just setting it to set it. No really any intention of actually reaching it. I remember starting to workout daily. Going to the gym and running on that darn treadmill. I had no goal for myself really… I was unhappy with my body. Not because I was overweight by any means but because I knew that I could be more. I knew that there was something more for me. 

This is not just in the area of fitness either. About 6 months ago I was extremely depressed. I am not going to even lie- I was depressed about my life. I felt like a complete failure at everything I did. I tried working out of the home and that didn't work well, I tried doing daycare and that DEFINITELY didn't work well.. ( I give mad props to anyone out there that runs a daycare.. offta ) So there I was.. STUCK. Just absolutely stuck with no idea how to get unstuck and how to live out my life to its fullest potential. I remember being SO frustrated.. because I really had a feeling that there was something more for me but I just didn't know what that was exactly and I couldn't find my purpose!!

Anyways… Im starting to ramble :) haha.. Setting goals is not about just setting it.. its about coming up with a plan of action on how you are going to actually reach it. And not being afraid to fail!!! If you fail.. at least you are THAT much closer than you would be if you wouldn't have set a goal in the first place.. right?! I mean what if we never ever set goals for ourselves.. we would go no where.. 

So why not start today!? Why not jump on board and start goal setting for yourself! You don't have to know where you are headed.. all you have to know is that you ARE headed UP and in the right direction! Just take it one day at a time. One small success at a time! One hurtle at a time.. you will get there, promise! 

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