Fit mom

Fit mom

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Almond crusted Chicken Tenders

Yum yum!!! Talk about a meal that both you and your little one are going to LOVE!!! 

Growing up I loved chicken tenders!! :P … I ate them all.the.time. But I now realize that they are not all that good for you lol. SO I am striving to make healthier alternatives for Chloe as she grows up. She loves chicken! And almonds! So this mommy hit the jackpot here.. You could EVEN make Homemade ketchup.. and I didn't even think about that until now! Totally doing that! She would love it.. except when we give her ketchup she just licks it off of her food! silly girl :)
This recipe is so easy that its really a little ridiculous. You would think that making these almond crusted chicken tenders would call for some serious prepping and cooking time. Not at all! Prep time takes about 10 minutes or less! Bake for about 25-30 minutes at 400!!

What you will need:
- 2 boneless, skinless chicken breasts
- About 1 cup almonds
- spray olive oil
Thats it!!! Oh and a food processor/small blender- I used my ninja chopper ;) works WONDERS!

- Heat oven to 400
- Add the almonds to the processor or blender
- Cut the Chicken breasts into tenders as shown in the picture
- Spray the Chicken tenders with olive oil. You could also rub olive oil on them.
- Dip the chicken into the chopped almonds until they are completely coated.
- Lay out on baking sheet and bake for about 30 minutes or until cooked through.

Let me know how you and your little ones like it!!!


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