Next came T25. I had fought with the gym.. I would go for a few weeks and then stop. I just was NOT being consistent. And consistency is where you will get and see results. So I knew that the best option for me was to workout in my home. This way I could do these workouts when I have a free chunk of time. Or I could get up in the morning and work out while Chloe is still sleeping! No.more.excuses. So I ordered T25 because 25 MINUTES A DAY! Who doesn't have 25 minutes?? Let's be honest! I did like T25! The workouts are fun and they go by quickly! There were a few moves in the workout that I did not like.. but that goes with any workout. Its not ALL fun and games ;)
Right now I am on week 6 of Insanity Max 30. The program is 60 days long or 8 weeks long. I only have 2 weeks left! What I absolutely love about this program is that it is HARD. It is super TOUGH. BUT … its only 30 minutes! Wouldn't you rather do a intense workout for only 30 minutes rather than doing mediocre workouts for 1-2 hours?? I would! Sign me up! And to be able to do it right in my home with my daughter. That is an added Bonus! :) I was definitely most sore in my shoulders when I first started this program.. and that is thanks to all the push ups and PLYO push ups! There is a modifier! So even though these workouts are intense.. I think that you could definitely do them starting out and follow the modifier until you work your way up to doing it full out.

Breakdown of Insanity:
Insanity is cardio based and full body conditioning workout. This program uses "Max interval training" which is when your moderate-intensity exercise gets replaced with maximum-intensity exercise. Also your short periods of intensity get replaced with short periods of rest. You are working harder and longer and resting less. Interval workouts allow you to beat what's known as the "stress adaptation response". Basically if you are always exercising at the same level of exertion (like running on a treadmill), your body gets used to the effort and stops improving. You are going to be doing a lot of jumping and moving! And not a whole lot of resting.. but some!
Pros of Insanity:

2. Food Guide: Like all Beachbody workouts, Insanity comes with a food guide to follow and recipes.
3. This comes with a workout chart. It tells you exactly what workouts to do on which days. So it is really like having a trainer in your home!!
4. REAL people. The people on the videos are real people who have had real results with these programs. It is always nice to know that they are going through the workout right along with you.
5. You can go at your OWN pace- Of course there is a set time that you will be working and a set time for breaks.. but if you need a break you take it and if you need to slow down you do so.
6. Athletic drills- this is great for former athletes!
7. No weights are required. This is all body weight!!
Cons of Insanity:
1. Lots of cardio, not a whole lot of strength training. There is some! But if you are looking to gain muscle mass, this program may not be the best option.
2. Definitely not for beginners. If you haven't been working out you might want to start with something that is a little less intense.
3. No Modifier. Most workout programs I have done have a modifier- this one does not. So like I said, if you are just starting out this would be a hard one to follow.
4. Longer workouts. The first month is 45 minutes. The second month goes up to 1 hour. Not ideal for me since I have a toddler at home.

Breakdown of T25:
In T25 you are going to be doing a mix of cardio and strength training. This program comes with 11 workouts that are each 25 minutes long. There are two parts to this program- month 1 (alpha cycle) and month 2 (beta cycle). In the alpha round you will build your foundation using just your body weight. The Beta cycle is stepping it up with new dynamic moves to burn fat and sculpt lean muscles. This month is going to focus a lot on the CORE. With T25 you are only working out for 25 minutes but you do not get breaks.
Pros of T25:
1. The workouts are only 25 minutes a day

3. Real people again! You are working out along with people who have got real results putting in the same work you are.
4. Only 5 days a week! 2 days off.
5. More strength training than insanity. You are going to focus more on certain muscle groups than just interval training like Insanity does.
6. More Ab work! We all love those abs. T25 actually has a workout JUST for abs called "dynamic core" which is one of my favorites!
7. There is a modifier. If you need to follow the modifier at first until you can work up to doing it full out, you can do so.
Cons of T25:
1. Some of the workout moves can be tricky. I know particularly for me the speed workouts can be difficult. I am not sure that this is necessarily a con or negative thing though. Just something that takes some practice is all!
2. You will need 1 pair of weights in the Beta cycle of this program for Rip't circuit.

Breakdown of Insanity Max: 30:
Max out [maks-out] verb, to stop or fail for the first time in the workout.
Insanity Max 30 also has 2 levels to this workout, month 1 and month 2. In month one the workouts are cardio and Tabata- style strength workouts. These workouts prepare you for your "Friday Fight", which is your Friday workout. Month 2 is harder than month one, obviously :) The intervals get longer and the strength workouts gets more intense. The workouts are all 30 minutes each. The objective is to push yourself as hard as your can for as long as you can until you can not continue any longer. That is your Max out time. Your write your time down and try to push further than that time the next time you do that workout.
Pros of Insanity Max 30:

2. Like the other programs it comes with a meal plan and nutrition guide.
3. I like that you are pushing yourself for 30 minutes and that it is OK to max out. Shaun actually WANTS you to max out. I like that kind of motivation!
4. There is a modifier! Although I don't recommend starting out on this if you haven't been doing anything else, it is nice to have a modifier if you can't do it full out right away.
5. No equipment needed! Get results using just your own body weight.
6. Intense strength training. I have never done such crazy push ups in my life.
Cons of Insanity Max 30:
1. INTENSE. This is not a program for someone brand new to working out. But there is a modifier.
Overview and my Conclusion:
After comparing these 3 workouts and taking the time to think about what I liked and didn't like about each, I have to say that Insanity Max:30 is my favorite by far! That is just my opinion. Maybe another workout would be better for you. The types of workouts I like may be different than what you like. For me- I like Intense. I like shorter. I like getting it DONE. ;) Being able to push play in my living room, work my butt off, feel amazing, all in only 30 minutes is the best! I will definitely keep you updated on my progress and soon-to-be results with this program! I can't wait to see the change that I have made in only 60 days.
Follow me for inspiration, healthy recipes, and tips on healthy living! Feel free to message me or comment at any time and I promise I will get back to you! :)
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