Fit mom

Fit mom

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Southwestern Tofu Scramble

I hope you guys love it as much as I do! It is super easy to make.. and Chloe even like it! She eats the tofu plain and then I put the veggies on the side for her.

You need:
-Tofu: $2.99 at hyvee
-Asparagus: $4.99/lb. at hyvee
- and/or broccoli: $2.99/bundle at hyvee
(I also add a zucchini most times! Whatever veggies you want!)
-Chili powder
-olive oil
(I am ALL about prices now that I am budgeting meals)  

1) Take the Tofu out of the box and put it on a paper towel on a plate. Pat it until all the moisture is out.
2) Add about 1 Tbsp. olive oil to a sauce pan and cook the tofu over medium/high heat. (you want to kind of make it like you are cooking scrambled eggs   )
3) Add a little chili powder and salt while it is cooking and mix it in. i just eye ball it.
4) Meanwhile, cut up your veggies and get those ready to add to the pan.
5) Once your Tofu is cooked through, remove it from the pan. Add the veggies and little more olive oil. Cook those over medium heat until they are cooked through.
6) Once your veggies are cooked you can create your plate! Add the amount of Tofu you want, your vegetables, and some salsa!! YUM  

Let me know what you think of it! I usually get about 2 servings out of this recipe!

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