So you are headed out of town or on a trip! This might throw a little curve ball in your nutrition or meal plan.. It doesn't have to! If you prepare ahead of time and make sure that you are ready and that you have enough food so that you are not opt to cave into junk food if you get hungry, you will be fine!
I go through this whenever I am going out of town or going to someone else's house for the weekend. I get into a routine with what I eat and I just don't like to get to off track with it. We all know that regret feeling after we give up on our meal plan for a weekend and then get home and realize that we have just undone all our hard work. :(
My husband and I were actually just talking last night about how it can be hard eating healthy on the road. He works on the road during the week. He told me that it is hard when you are so used to eating out for lunch or surrounded by junk food from your coworkers at lunch. These are very valid points! I think that preparation is key. Both preparing meals at home so that you have a lunch to take to work and making sure that you have healthy snacks stashed at work!
Here are foods that I typically take with me on trips. For instance when I went to Lake Tahoe or Mexico, I brought some of these things with me on vacation!
1) Any sort of nuts. I like to bring almonds with me! They are filling and a healthy fat that you can grab quick if you are getting the urge to snack. I go for the natural almonds vs. the salted.
2) Almond milk. You can get the unrefrigerated containers in the middle aisles of the store. In my grocery store they are by the "health market" section. In other stores you might find it by the breakfast items. I use the almond milk to mix with my shakeology for one meal/day. The single serving ones are great if you will not have access to a refrigerator during your trip.

3) Shakeology. I never go a day without drinking Shakeology. Not only does it replace one of my meals but it keep me feeling full through out the day. Plus I know that I am getting all the nutrition I need even if I am busy on a trip, on the road, or visiting someone. They take up almost no space in your luggage! You can order yourself Shakeology at the attached link.

4) Fruit. I know this is so basic but I pack my suit case full of fruit when I go places. Any fruit that does not require a refrigerator and that can not go old fast is perfect for trips and on the go snacks! Apples, bananas, mangos, peaches, and oranges are all great examples!
5) Larabar or other natural snack bars. I have to say that I am not always a fan of snack bars- only if it is my absolute last resort. I have only had 1 larabar in my life and it was delicious! But I like to stick to natural foods as much as I can if possible. These are great alternatives though.. and some of them, like Larabars are natural ingredients. Check your labels! No syrups or sugars.

6) refrigerated items. If you are able to have a small cooler with you, which I usually do unless I am going on a very long trip, these are some snacks I recommend bringing. Hard boiled eggs, carrots, plain greek yogurt with fruit, or salads. You could even bring some slices of low sodium turkey, whole wheat or multi grain bread, and slices of cheese to make a sandwich.
These are all examples of things that I would normally bring with me on a trip. Keep in mind when you are shopping-- always try to stick to the outside isles as best as possible and watch your labels. You would be surprised where they hide sugar in foods that you think are healthy. To learn more about sticking to the outside aisles when you shop, go to
As always, feel free to message me with questions and I promise I will get back to you!
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