Fit mom

Fit mom

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Insanity Max 30- results are IN!

60 days ago I got back from our incredible trip to Riviera, Mexico! It was beautiful and the sun felt oh so lovely on my skin :) (today it is about -30 with windchill in good 'ol Minnesota!) Before we left for our trip to Mexico I was super happy with the shape I  was in! I had just finished 90 days of Body Beast and actually even did a few days of Insanity Max 30 since it came in the mail! I remember feeling  more toned than I ever have. Way more toned than I even got from spending 2+ hours at the gym each day back when I used to. Now I get results like these in only 30 minutes a day.

The thing is- I tried to stay on track while on vacation but lets face it, staying on track when you are at an all inclusive resort with incredible drinks and food takes a WHOLE LOT of will power. I didn't have quite enough to resist completely. But that is ok. I told myself and I continue to tell myself that fitness is a journey… there will be hurtles that you have to go through. And if the worst that happens is an incredible vacation that is going to set you off track a little (or a lot) then oh well :) I will be here for you when you get back from your trip to kick your booty back into shape! ;)

No but seriously- I felt bad about the way I ate on vacation and also had that feeling like "darn I just completely ruined all that hard work I did." But I knew that I would be able to get back on track when I got home because I had this new amazing fitness program ready to kick my butt and an AWESOME support team that wouldn't let me fail.

I remember messaging a few of my coach besties and telling them how incredible our trip was but how terrible I was eating! There response- "Don't sweat it! Enjoy your trip and think of it as an opportunity to have some good before pictures for Insanity Max 30." So thats what I did.

What did I do the night we got back from our trip?- took my before pics.
What did I do the next morning?- Pushed play on day 1 of Insanity Max 30.
I was SO eager to get my best body back!

Insanity Max 30 has to be hands down one of THE hardest workouts I have ever done. I don't want to scare anyone away from it.. because it is doable. But myyyy goodness. Those plyo push ups were something else. I am not one to have tons of upper body strength either lol. So you could say that I struggled on that particular move.

Overall I REALLY enjoyed this program. I will definitely be doing it again.. adding it into my collection of Beachbody workouts ;) And now I am moving onto the 21 day fix extreme. Let's see what this "extreme" talk is all about shall we?!

Feel free to message me if you have questions! I would love to talk to you more and promise I will get back to you!



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