Fit mom

Fit mom

Friday, October 31, 2014

Are you washing your hair wrong?

I have been doing hair for over 3 years now if you count cosmetology school. I am SO surprised by how many people don't know this… Every time I bring it up to someone that is in my chair they are shocked that they had never known this before..

Did you know that you are only supposed to shampoo your roots and condition your ends?! YEP. The general rule is that you should shampoo from the ears UP and condition from the ears DOWN… crazy right?! Why is that??

Your scalp produces natural oils.. so there is no need to be giving it extra moisture. That will just make your hair more oily. Your ends are what needs the moisture. That is what gets the heat from your blow dryer, flat iron, curling iron.. and even if you don't use those tools on your hair, your ends are always lacking moisture. That is what needs the conditioner. Your ends do not need shampoo.. why?? Shampoo is going to dry those ends out and strip them of any moisture that might be left there..

Just a tip for anyone who has been struggling with hair problems!! I have found that MANY people do not know this.. and trust me, it will make a HUGE difference in your hair! Also- you don't need anymore than a quarter size amount of shampoo.. and conditioner varies depending on hair length and thickness.. but you don't need to overdo it! Hair products go a long way.. if you find that your hair is still dry, try using a leave in condition after you wash your hair. I ALWAYS use a leave in.

Hope this helped <3

Feel free to share, like, or comment if this helped you or if you have questions.. I would be more than happy to answer them!

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