Fit mom

Fit mom

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Anyone can have a transformation story.

Last Monday I decided to take my meal plan to the next level. I want to get the most out of my workouts and by doing that I need to crack down on my portions and clean eating. Not always a fun thing… I am a Cherry Berry ADDICT for those of you who are unaware. Now you are ;) I could eat that everyday if I allowed myself to. And these past few weeks/month I have been giving myself a lil to much leeway. You know.. you get stuck in that mind set and start making pity excuses for yourself! And the whole, "This will be my last time" excuse, has been used one to many times recently.

As a mom to a toddler- I know that it is way to DANG EASY to let excuses get in your way. Chloe is extremely active and requires a lot of one on one.. which is totally fine and normal! And I love her to death.. but some days she can drive me crazy too ;) We are going through potty training right now. So things are interesting around the Citrowske residence.. one day we are going potty like champs and the next we are pooping our pants… and peeing our pants in public! (see pic! We brought an extra pair of pants.. I now carry a pair with me everywhere!)

Last Saturday we went to the parade. Here I am thinking I am strong enough to go in without caving. WELL.. I had a few pieces of candy. And that darn candy is just haunting me.. we have candy from TWO parades before this still sitting around the house.. now this one. Lovely :) So if anyone needs candy let me know! Id be happy to hand some off.! HA!

I remember when I used to go to the gym and literally had NO idea where to start or how to use those machines. And I felt so akward!! I mean there are these guys lifting HUGE weights.. and here I go to pick up the 10 lb. weights. What am I going to do with them? Bicep curls?? Idk… I had no a clue what I was doing! And then here I go dragging out those yoga mats and try to find a place in this gym to do abs.. somewhere in the corner where I could have a chance at blending in! I went on doing this for awhile with little to NO results. Hit my plateau and that was it. No more progress. I guess I am just not meant to be fit… NOT.

I KNOW eating healthy, working out, and building a healthy lifestyle is not easy for everyone.. and it can be quite scary getting started. Trust me- I was there once too. I was unhappy with my body, unconfident. I hated what I saw in the mirror… I would binge eat, not eat enough, and then repeat. It was a CONSTANT battle that I was having with myself. I think back and it makes me just want to cry… What kind of life is that?! Living each day worrying about how you look and feel? Not feeling OK with yourself? I am still here. I am still pursuing my goals! Even if I fall off the bus here and there.. thats part of life. We are humans! Its all part of a journey. And I have truly learned to love this journey! Eating healthy and getting my workouts in makes me feel strong, confident, and determined.

Every time I hear someone tell me how happy they are feeling and PROUD of themselves and what they are accomplishing, it puts a little extra fire under MY butt to help more people and better myself even more!! Its a never ending cycle of helping others love and gain confidence with themselves. You give me accountability, Ill give you mine. Have a new awesome recipe? Share it! Thats what this is all about.. pushing each other to reach our goals.. having that support and accountability that we NEED and want. This is my REAL life! Daily struggles. Trying to be the best mom I can be while still having time for me and better myself. I want all the accountability I can get!

So if you are wanting to get started on your own journey or are wanting an accountability partner, let me know ;)

Know that you are not alone in any of this! Anyone can have a transformation story. You just have to figure out how to fit FITNESS into your life!

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