Fit mom

Fit mom

Friday, October 10, 2014

Chloe's 2 year pictures!

Tomorrow we will be taking Chloe's two year pictures! It is so crazy how fast time flies. It seems like yesterday we were bringing her home from the hospital.. and now she is running around the house yelling "I'm a princess". Yes my dear, you are a princess. :)

She is napping right now so I have some time to think about tomorrow and what I want her to wear, what props to bring, how to do her hair, poses… seriously- I have NOTHING figured out. She has hair down to her shoulders so I should do something cute with that. My dad just got a puppy last week so I think we might incorporate the dog into a few pictures. That should be interesting.. Its hard enough to get a toddler to sit still!

Here is my idea-- I think I am going to have her dress up in a few different outfits for her aunt and I. Ill post those pictures to Facebook and we will see what everyone thinks she should wear! This girls got to many cute outfits to choose from. How do you choose just ONE outfit?! I mean we could take a few but its not like you want to go through the hassle of changing their outfit either.. oh the struggles :)

Happy Friday everyone!! Ill post pictures when they are finished!

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