Fit mom

Fit mom

Monday, October 27, 2014

Chicken Picatta- the healthy way!

I spend my Sunday's searching Pinterest for new recipes to try or to change and convert into healthier versions. I found a couple yesterday so I plan on making a few this week! I have a breakfast one coming that I think is going to be really good.. if you like oatmeal you will love this one! But I decided to start out my Meal prep Monday with some Chicken Picatta! I have had Chicken Picatta before a few years ago.. yeah I don't like to cook a whole lot- especially when it requires a lot of work. Hey- I've got a 2 year old. Aint no momma got time for that!

The regular version of Chicken Picatta that I have had in the past requires Butter and flour. I am not a fan of either! No thanks.. I'll switch this up and make it healthier! And I have found this… When I started to REALLY eat healthier and cleaner, my body noticed! I feel better about myself and I can tell when I feed myself junk because I just don't feel all that great afterwards.. Food tastes better when its not filled with a bunch of junk too!

If you start to eat better, I promise you will start to not only look better but FEEL better about yourself. Don't get me wrong.. having a cheat meal and a treat is totally fine! But figuring out a way to make healthy meals for yourself and your family can actually be fun!!!

I actually went out to dinner tonight! BUT I made a commitment to posting a new recipe for you guys every Monday. And so I shall keep my promise! Plus I have a few I want to do this week so I better get on it ;) This recipe actually took me no longer than 30 minutes to make either.. I was really impressed. And Chloe was happy and content during the process which made things 100x easier for me!!! So I made this tonight before we left to go out to dinner and I will just eat it tomorrow night. I did take a bite though of course! It was VERY good… not even going to lie- I was worried it might not have much flavor since it doesn't have all the flour and butter and what not. But it was VERY flavorful.. yum yum!!

Ok enough jibber jabber- here is the recipe!!

Here is what you are going to need--

2- 8oz. boneless chicken breast
1/4 tsp. sea salt
1 lemon, sliced
1 tbsp. capers
2 cloves garlic, minced
1/2 cup reduced sodium chicken broth
2 tbsp. olive oil


Place Chicken breast between 2 pieces of plastic wrap. using a meat mallet, or I'm my case the bottom of a glass :P, pound the chicken until it is about 1/4 inch thick.

Heat olive oil in a saucepan over medium-high heat. Add chicken breast and cook through until the chicken is no longer pink inside. Remove Chicken.

Add the minced garlic and cook until lightly browned- about 30 seconds to 1 minute. Add the chicken broth and bring to a boil. Add the lemon slices and capers. Reduce the heat to low and cover for about 4-5 minutes or until the lemon slices are softened. The sauce will thicken! See pics ;)

Return the chicken to the skillet and heat through.

To serve, top the chicken with the caper mixture and enjoy!

Feel free to follow me on my blog and on Facebook for more motivation, fitness tips, and recipes!!

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