Fit mom

Fit mom

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Late night thoughts..

I have been neglecting my blog lately. Sorry everyone!! Life got in the way and there are no excuses. I have recently started a new fitness program, Body Beast. I am working on my meals and thinking about trying something new out soon.. stay tuned :)

I just wanted to shout out a quick message to whoever is reading this.. Are you TRULY happy where you are at in life right now?? Would you be comfortable living this way forever? If yes GREAT for you!! But for a lot of people I know that this is not it for you.. There is so much more out there! Both for you to offer the world and to be offered back to you.

WHY do we settle as humans?? Do you think it is just plain laziness? Maybe society paints makes it seem like we will never be able to become more than we are? Maybe a mixture of everything! But for real!! I want you to all know that YOU have 100% control over what you do with your life and where you TAKE your life! I am not perfect. I struggle everyday to get negative thoughts out of my head.. those thoughts that tell me that I will not succeed..

Learning to push past those thoughts is KEY! YOU are worth it! Your dreams have to be bigger than your fear of failure. You have to persist each and everyday! Strive to become better and to do your best each day!

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