Fit mom

Fit mom

Saturday, January 31, 2015

What can Shakeology do for you?

I am in LOVE. with Shakeology 
wink emoticon

Before I started drinking this stuff I was in the cupboards ALL darn day long.. those cupboards were tempting. You know… "ahh I will just grab 2 more crackers. OK whats 3 more?" YES. <<< THAT was me!

I no longer have that urge to snack anymore. And if I do I make much healthier decisions on what I eat because I just don't crave junk food anymore. I don't crave those bad carbs like I used to.

February 2nd is your chance! Your chance to take a look at what Shakeology could possibly do for you. Maybe you struggle with snacking? Need more energy? HECK. Maybe you don't have TIME to make dinner every night?! << THAT is also me smile emoticon

So here is what you get...
-Sample packets of Shakeology to try.
-Hear other people's stories.
-Learn HOW Shakeology actually helps you in those areas listed in the picture!

Message me or leave you email in the comments to learn more about this 5 day group!

 Chloe loves it too <3 :)

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Insanity MAX 30- 30 day progress!

In November I finished Body Beast and got great results with that. I absolutely love that program and love the muscle definition that it gave me! Something that I had never seen before in myself. BUT I felt like I needed to pick it up a bit after I went on a all inclusive vacation! Set me back a little bit if you know what I mean :/
Free drinks, free food, free carbs, free pounds, free bloating.. 

The week before we left for our vacation Insanity Max 30 arrived in the mail! There was no way that I could wait to start until after we got back, so I started that next day. MAN oh MAN did it whoop my tush. Honestly.. I have never done such a hard workout in my life.. and in only 30 minutes!!! The day we left for our trip I did Sweat Intervals that morning. Neil was home and I remember laying on the floor for at least 5 minutes after the workout. I was red in the face for at least an hour after!

After we got back from our trip I decided that I needed to restart the program. I needed a fresh start! And what better fresh start than coming back after an all inclusive vacation?! It was JUST what I needed! So I pushed play the next day after we got back! December 21st!

During the first week of the program we had Christmas get togethers and then the week after that was New Years. So in no way did I follow a clean eating diet or meal plan 100%. I ate pretty good but I know I could have done much better. We will leave it at that ;) So the results that I see here have impressed me considering that I could have ate much better and gotten even better results in the first 30 days. MY FAULT. Its not the holidays fault.. its mine. And the excuses I gave myself. But I am happy with what I see and the way I feel.

MY TAKE AWAY from the first 30 days:

This program is one of my favorites so far! The first Beachbody workout that I ever did was Insanity so this was right up my alley.

I love love love that it is only 30 minutes a day verses 45- 1 hour. As a mom to a toddler, my life is super busy like anyone else's! I choose to work out in the morning so that I KNOW I will get it in and I make my work outs a priority to my day. Just like someone else might make putting on makeup a priority or going to work! THIS is my priority.. and having my workouts be only 30 minutes makes it a whole lot easier and FUN! I personally would rather get my butt creamed and be next to dead at the end of a 30 minute workout rather than going to the gym for 1+ hours or doing a super long workout. I just don't have that kind of time these days! Who does?!

My plan for the last 30 days:

After looking at these pictures, I realized that YES, I love what I see! BUT I need to really focus on my meal plan to get the extreme results that I deserve and know are possible. I have never seen ab definition like in the picture shown.. my goal is to have even more ab definition by day 60. And let me tell you- the way these first couple month 2 workouts are going, Im sure to have some abs! They are TOUGH… but oh so worth it!!

I read this a couple days ago… 
"What do you hate more? A 30 minute workout or those 30 extra pounds?"

Let's MAX OUT!! Who is ready to make a change? I want to help you get started on a path to a healthier you! Whether that is doing Max 30, another program, or just simply want some nutrition or workout tips and advice. Let me know! Shoot me a message! I promise I will read and reply :) 

Thanks for taking the time to read this!
Much Love <3


Sunday, January 11, 2015

DIY To- Do list eraser board

Neil and I are creating an office space in our bedroom right now. We are in the process of finishing the desk since we are building it. Last night we just finished making the shelving! It is going to be SO nice once it is done. I can't wait to use the space!!! FINALLY I will have my things organized in one spot!

Anyways.. I am sort of a visual freak- I have been thinking of all kinds of ways to better organize and utilize the space that I have. One thing that bugs me SO much is having my To do list on scratch paper in my notebook.. because I can't ever find the right page.. I have to continually flip back and forth in my notebook. So I was thinking how can I create something CUTE of course, that will give me my to do list right in front of me. And I can reuse it each day?? And with this, you can erase it as you go!! Which gives you that feeling of accomplishment ;)

I plan on putting this on my desk when we are finished! Along with other visuals that I have created :) Any other DIY projects that we do along the way I will be sure to blog those also ;) I am not sure I will blog the desk and shelving or not, unless anyone wants to know how we did it! I will post a pic when it is finished and if anyone wants to know how we did it I can make a blog.. but I didn't take pics during the process. Neil did most of it. I was just the helper ;)

This project is SO easy to make its ridiculous.
All you will need is..

-A picture frame of your choice and whatever size you choose. I used an 8x10. With a black frame to match my desk!

-Scrapbook paper or some paper with a cute design on it! You will have to cut it down the the height and width of the frame you chose.

- Letter stickers (optional)

- Dry erase marker


- Cut down the paper to the height and width of the frame.

- Add your "To Do" stickers to the paper in the upper left hand corner.

- Put the paper in the frame. Voila!!

This would be really cute just to have sitting somewhere in your house also! Better than a scrap piece of paper that gets lost.. at least that what I used to use! haha

Let me know how this works out for you! I hope you love yours as much as I love mine!!! <3



PS- updates on the desk SOON! I can't wait for you all to see it!

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Spicy Shrimp Tacos with Avocado Sauce

Holy Moly… the holidays are over!! We survived :)
Honestly, for a while there I thought I was going to just keep digging myself a deeper hole with all the get togethers, sweets, gigantic meals, etc.. BUT its over.. and back to our healthy meals and portion control! I am more ready than ever!!

Last weekend I spent a lot of time at my moms because Neil was up North fishing in Lake of the Woods. Darn, it was HARD to stay focused on clean eating when she had bought me THREE things of Brookside dark chocolate. Those things are GOOD. But enough is enough..

This week is mainly consisted of trying to get back on a schedule and in a regular routine again. We went on vacation to the Riviera Maya and got back 5 days before Christmas!! Busy. Busy. Busy.. And I miss it OH. SO. MUCH.. especially with the blizzard we are in right now. It was absolutely gorgeous and I can't wait to go back! Chloe keeps telling me that she wants to go back to Mexico and back on the airplane. Talk about tough love!!! Me too baby girl, me too!

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and New Years!!! I can't believe it is 2015!! Weird. New Year means its time to step things up a bit.. Neil and I (mostly Neil) ;) are working on building a desk for an office space!!! I am beyond excited for that to be finished and to have more organization and a place for me!

Yesterday I couldn't decide what to make for dinner.. I had some shrimp in the freezer that I wanted to use up and decided to go with Shrimp Tacos!! So I wanted to bring that recipe to you all as well.

Here is what you will need:

For the Marinade:
- 1 Tablespoon Chili powder
- 1 teaspoon cumin
- 1 Tablespoon paprika
- 1/2 teaspoon cayenne
- 1 lime, juiced
- 2 Tablespoons olive oil
- 1 lb. de-shelled shrimp

Avocado Sauce:
- 1 Avocado
- 1 garlic clove
- 1 teaspoon chili powder
- 1/2 teaspoon cumin
- 1/2 teaspoon cayenne
- 1/4 teaspoon salt
- 2 Tablespoons fresh cilantro
- 2 Tablespoons lime juice

For the Tacos:
- Taco Shells (we used wheat and corn tortillas)
- lettuce

1. In a large bowl, add all the marinade ingredients except shrimp.
2. Add the shrimp to the marinade mixture and let sit for about 20 minutes while you make your avocado sauce.
3. In a small blender or food processor, add all the ingredients for the avocado sauce. Mix until creamy.
4. Heat a sauce pan over medium-high heat. Add the shrimp and cook 3-4 minutes on each side. Remove from heat.
5. Assemble tacos. Shrimp-Avocado Sauce- lettuce or other toppings of choice. ENJOY!

Let me know how you like the recipe!!
Also be sure to follow my blog for WEEKLY recipes and tips for living a healthy and fulfilling life!



Saturday, January 3, 2015

New Year. New YOU.

New Year. >>> New YOU!!
Let's get this year started off with a BANG!
Before I started coaching, this is a summary of what my health life looked like…
-yo-yo dieting to 2 extremes! Binge or not eat much of anything
-on and off relationship with the gym- we all know those on-off relationships are unhealthy and you should just drop them asap 
-When I was at the gym.. 1-2 hours of working out, 5-6 days a week, with little to no results at all.
>> Why?? Because I had access to the equipment but no one to tell me how to use it properly. I could workout 1-2+ hours a day but come home and have no idea how to eat properly to get the results I was looking for. I THOUGHT I knew, but I didn't.. I would go through streaks of working out because I did not have the motivation, support, and accountability to keep me going.
Ready to ring in the new year with new habits?? Comment or message me and lets get this thing started. Let me show you how you can break up with the gym and get REAL results and form REAL healthy habits.

Friday, January 2, 2015

Strawberry and Apple Chicken Sausage Salad

Between our vacation that was mid- December and the holidays, my meal pattern has been off. It's hard to stay on track through the holidays isn't it!? You are going to get off track a little bit, and thats ok :) I am ready to get back on board! Just need to stay away from the Dark chocolate. Those Brookeside Dark Chocolates are my weakness!!! I think we all have those few things that it just takes everything in you to resist right?!- That is mine!

On that side note- I DO have a New Year's group starting up to help you and I both get back on track! I  know right now I need all of the accountability and support I can get. If you would like more details on that send me a message through my blog or find me on Facebook!

I have never been a HUGE salad fan.. It is getting better. But there is just something about making salads at home that they are not the same as when you order them from a restaurant or they just don't sound as good usually. But lately I have come up with quite a few salads that are very delicious and unique. Take a look at my other recipes for more salad options! This one is really good. I figured its a great way to start out this week and get back to clean eating!

What you are going to need! >>> Not much!

- 1 link Johnsonville Apple Chicken Sausage, sliced
- 1 package spring mix salad greens
- 1 quart fresh strawberries, sliced
- 1 medium granny smith apply, cut into chunks
- 1/3 cup walnut pieces
- 1/4 cup crumbled low-fat feta cheese

For the Dressing:

- 2 Tbsp. Cider Vinegar
- 2 Tbsp. honey
- 1 Tbsp. canola oil (I used olive oil)

 For the sausage- follow the instructions on the package to cook. Combine all the salad ingredients in a large bowl and set aside. Combine the dressing ingredients in a separate bowl.

Enjoy!! I can't get enough of this salad and I hope you enjoy it also!!
