Fit mom

Fit mom

Sunday, January 11, 2015

DIY To- Do list eraser board

Neil and I are creating an office space in our bedroom right now. We are in the process of finishing the desk since we are building it. Last night we just finished making the shelving! It is going to be SO nice once it is done. I can't wait to use the space!!! FINALLY I will have my things organized in one spot!

Anyways.. I am sort of a visual freak- I have been thinking of all kinds of ways to better organize and utilize the space that I have. One thing that bugs me SO much is having my To do list on scratch paper in my notebook.. because I can't ever find the right page.. I have to continually flip back and forth in my notebook. So I was thinking how can I create something CUTE of course, that will give me my to do list right in front of me. And I can reuse it each day?? And with this, you can erase it as you go!! Which gives you that feeling of accomplishment ;)

I plan on putting this on my desk when we are finished! Along with other visuals that I have created :) Any other DIY projects that we do along the way I will be sure to blog those also ;) I am not sure I will blog the desk and shelving or not, unless anyone wants to know how we did it! I will post a pic when it is finished and if anyone wants to know how we did it I can make a blog.. but I didn't take pics during the process. Neil did most of it. I was just the helper ;)

This project is SO easy to make its ridiculous.
All you will need is..

-A picture frame of your choice and whatever size you choose. I used an 8x10. With a black frame to match my desk!

-Scrapbook paper or some paper with a cute design on it! You will have to cut it down the the height and width of the frame you chose.

- Letter stickers (optional)

- Dry erase marker


- Cut down the paper to the height and width of the frame.

- Add your "To Do" stickers to the paper in the upper left hand corner.

- Put the paper in the frame. Voila!!

This would be really cute just to have sitting somewhere in your house also! Better than a scrap piece of paper that gets lost.. at least that what I used to use! haha

Let me know how this works out for you! I hope you love yours as much as I love mine!!! <3



PS- updates on the desk SOON! I can't wait for you all to see it!

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