Free drinks, free food, free carbs, free pounds, free bloating..
The week before we left for our vacation Insanity Max 30 arrived in the mail! There was no way that I could wait to start until after we got back, so I started that next day. MAN oh MAN did it whoop my tush. Honestly.. I have never done such a hard workout in my life.. and in only 30 minutes!!! The day we left for our trip I did Sweat Intervals that morning. Neil was home and I remember laying on the floor for at least 5 minutes after the workout. I was red in the face for at least an hour after!
After we got back from our trip I decided that I needed to restart the program. I needed a fresh start! And what better fresh start than coming back after an all inclusive vacation?! It was JUST what I needed! So I pushed play the next day after we got back! December 21st!
During the first week of the program we had Christmas get togethers and then the week after that was New Years. So in no way did I follow a clean eating diet or meal plan 100%. I ate pretty good but I know I could have done much better. We will leave it at that ;) So the results that I see here have impressed me considering that I could have ate much better and gotten even better results in the first 30 days. MY FAULT. Its not the holidays fault.. its mine. And the excuses I gave myself. But I am happy with what I see and the way I feel.
MY TAKE AWAY from the first 30 days:
This program is one of my favorites so far! The first Beachbody workout that I ever did was Insanity so this was right up my alley.
I love love love that it is only 30 minutes a day verses 45- 1 hour. As a mom to a toddler, my life is super busy like anyone else's! I choose to work out in the morning so that I KNOW I will get it in and I make my work outs a priority to my day. Just like someone else might make putting on makeup a priority or going to work! THIS is my priority.. and having my workouts be only 30 minutes makes it a whole lot easier and FUN! I personally would rather get my butt creamed and be next to dead at the end of a 30 minute workout rather than going to the gym for 1+ hours or doing a super long workout. I just don't have that kind of time these days! Who does?!
My plan for the last 30 days:
After looking at these pictures, I realized that YES, I love what I see! BUT I need to really focus on my meal plan to get the extreme results that I deserve and know are possible. I have never seen ab definition like in the picture shown.. my goal is to have even more ab definition by day 60. And let me tell you- the way these first couple month 2 workouts are going, Im sure to have some abs! They are TOUGH… but oh so worth it!!
I read this a couple days ago…
"What do you hate more? A 30 minute workout or those 30 extra pounds?"
Thanks for taking the time to read this!
Much Love <3
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