Fit mom

Fit mom

Wednesday, June 25, 2014


Since I have started coaching my whole mind set on life and where I am going in life has changed. Before I had the mind set that this was it. I am a young mom, can't work full time, can't go back to school, and that I would never earn a higher job. And this is what my mind began to think was normal. 

BUT here I am!! LOVING life! Everyday is exciting to me because I choose to chase my biggest dreams. I chose to throw those nasty thoughts away that were putting me down. I chose to build myself up!

 No matter what life throws at you, you are what you make of every situation. YOU are the difference between success and failure. So don't let you mind tell you any different. You have the choice to set goals, CRAZY GOALS, and chase your dreams! And be ok with failure. Because if you are afraid  of failure, you will set limits on what you can do. DONT do that! Set crazy goals for yourself and tell yourself that you are worth it!! You are worth that raise, job, body, house, vacation, whatever it may be!! YOU are worth it.

So no matter where you are in life or where life takes you, set goals and aim high! Do what you love and don't let anyone or anything set you back. This is your life to live. Dream big!! 

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