Fit mom

Fit mom

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

The First step to getting anywhere

I love this! This is the quote that I read right before I decided to quit the job I hated.. I just read this one day and was yep thats it. I have had enough so I quit the next day. And now I am doing a job that I LOVE. And I probably would have never came across this opportunity if I hadn't have decided that I want more for myself. How are we supposed to get anywhere in life and succeed if you stay right where you are?!

Most of us are not satisfied with where we are. Some are, and that is great!! But how do we get to where we want to be?? Whether it is where you want to be physically, you job, make more money, school, whatever it might be! I think it is important to actually decide that you are NOT WILLING to stay where you are. And that you will do everything in your power to become a better version of YOURSELF. 

Write down your goals for the week, month, year, 5 years!! Write down where you want to be with every aspect in your life. If you want to be down 5 lbs. by the end of the month, or if you want to get a promotion by the end of the year, write them all down! And then make a game plan! How are you going to actually reach that goal? FIRST- decide you will staying where you are. If you are wanting to loose weight what are you going to do in order to loose those 5, 15, 50 lbs. by whenever?? If you are unhappy with your job what are YOU going to do to change that?? Because no one else is going to change it for you!! Its all YOU!!! Don't be afraid of failure. Just go for it!!

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