Fit mom

Fit mom

Monday, June 23, 2014

21 day fix RESULTS!

I couldn't be happier with my results from the 21 day fix. Actually putting my before and after picture side by side is MIND BLOWING. This shows that you truly have to just take it one day at a time. You might not feel like you are chaining much through the process, but this is PROOF! You will change! Don't let you mind tell you that you can't get results like this because you can!!

I lost 8 lbs. during this program. In 21 days!! Thats just crazy to me. Especially since I ate healthy for the most part to begin with. But this program took healthy living to a whole new level for me. I also lost 2.5 inches off my waist, 1.5 inches off of my hips, and 1 inch off of each thigh. You can see that I have slimed down and toned up for sure! The best part is that I only had to do 30 minute workouts a day.

Beachbody has completely changed my mind set on body image. Before I became a coach I was insecure with myself and always felt bad about my body. I would always be losing and gaining 5 lbs. I would not eat in order to lose weight. And even when I did lose weight, I still wasn't happy with myself. But now I know what living healthy means! Its is NOT about being skinny. Screw being skinny!!!!! Its about being healthy and choosing to be better than YOURSELF! And doing it for you! No one else. This is for you! 

I am so eternally grateful that I was granted this opportunity. I absolutely LOVE what I do. I am ready to change the world one person at a time! And it is my goal to change the way people feel about themselves. I want people to look at me and say "Because of you, I don't hate what I see in the mirror. Because of you, I am a more confident and happy person." THAT is my mission in life! I have a drive and passion for this business and I am going in FULL FORCE. End the trend! Hop on board, you'll wish you would have yesterday! Let me help YOU be a better you. <3

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