Fit mom

Friday, June 27, 2014
Its the little things that count
Its the small things that you do today that will impact where you are next week. You can't expect change to happen instantly. Success is something that takes time. The time will pass either way. So spend it wisely.
You're worth it little darling!
YOU my friend, are worth it! Don't let that devil on your shoulder tell you any different! If you want something, go out there and get it! Whether its college, your job, losing weight, financial goals, whatever it might be!!! If you want it bad enough, find a way to get it because you are worth it.
YOU deserve that body.
YOU deserve that raise.
YOU deserve that house.
Wednesday, June 25, 2014
21 day fix results with PICTURES
Thank you for watching my video! This program has amazed me and I would love to share my experience with all of you and what I thought about the program. My before and after pics are at the end of the video!! Enjoy :)
Since I have started coaching my whole mind set on life and where I am going in life has changed. Before I had the mind set that this was it. I am a young mom, can't work full time, can't go back to school, and that I would never earn a higher job. And this is what my mind began to think was normal.
BUT here I am!! LOVING life! Everyday is exciting to me because I choose to chase my biggest dreams. I chose to throw those nasty thoughts away that were putting me down. I chose to build myself up!
No matter what life throws at you, you are what you make of every situation. YOU are the difference between success and failure. So don't let you mind tell you any different. You have the choice to set goals, CRAZY GOALS, and chase your dreams! And be ok with failure. Because if you are afraid of failure, you will set limits on what you can do. DONT do that! Set crazy goals for yourself and tell yourself that you are worth it!! You are worth that raise, job, body, house, vacation, whatever it may be!! YOU are worth it.
So no matter where you are in life or where life takes you, set goals and aim high! Do what you love and don't let anyone or anything set you back. This is your life to live. Dream big!!
Monday, June 23, 2014
21 day fix RESULTS!
I couldn't be happier with my results from the 21 day fix. Actually putting my before and after picture side by side is MIND BLOWING. This shows that you truly have to just take it one day at a time. You might not feel like you are chaining much through the process, but this is PROOF! You will change! Don't let you mind tell you that you can't get results like this because you can!!
I lost 8 lbs. during this program. In 21 days!! Thats just crazy to me. Especially since I ate healthy for the most part to begin with. But this program took healthy living to a whole new level for me. I also lost 2.5 inches off my waist, 1.5 inches off of my hips, and 1 inch off of each thigh. You can see that I have slimed down and toned up for sure! The best part is that I only had to do 30 minute workouts a day.
Beachbody has completely changed my mind set on body image. Before I became a coach I was insecure with myself and always felt bad about my body. I would always be losing and gaining 5 lbs. I would not eat in order to lose weight. And even when I did lose weight, I still wasn't happy with myself. But now I know what living healthy means! Its is NOT about being skinny. Screw being skinny!!!!! Its about being healthy and choosing to be better than YOURSELF! And doing it for you! No one else. This is for you!
I am so eternally grateful that I was granted this opportunity. I absolutely LOVE what I do. I am ready to change the world one person at a time! And it is my goal to change the way people feel about themselves. I want people to look at me and say "Because of you, I don't hate what I see in the mirror. Because of you, I am a more confident and happy person." THAT is my mission in life! I have a drive and passion for this business and I am going in FULL FORCE. End the trend! Hop on board, you'll wish you would have yesterday! Let me help YOU be a better you. <3
Friday, June 20, 2014
YES PLEASE!!!!! Where can I get my ticket!? haha I am beyond excited to go to Summit next year. Nothing is going to stop me. I am excited for this experience! To meet my team, workout with other coaches, and listen to the seminars and learn from them!! Coaching has changed my life!!!
Wednesday, June 18, 2014
The First step to getting anywhere
I love this! This is the quote that I read right before I decided to quit the job I hated.. I just read this one day and was yep thats it. I have had enough so I quit the next day. And now I am doing a job that I LOVE. And I probably would have never came across this opportunity if I hadn't have decided that I want more for myself. How are we supposed to get anywhere in life and succeed if you stay right where you are?!
Write down your goals for the week, month, year, 5 years!! Write down where you want to be with every aspect in your life. If you want to be down 5 lbs. by the end of the month, or if you want to get a promotion by the end of the year, write them all down! And then make a game plan! How are you going to actually reach that goal? FIRST- decide you will staying where you are. If you are wanting to loose weight what are you going to do in order to loose those 5, 15, 50 lbs. by whenever?? If you are unhappy with your job what are YOU going to do to change that?? Because no one else is going to change it for you!! Its all YOU!!! Don't be afraid of failure. Just go for it!!
Monday, June 16, 2014
PiYo- Coming SOON!!!!
All New Beachbody workout will be available 6/23. Only a few days! I am REALLY excited for this workout because it is LOW IMPACT! No weights required. All body weight! PLUS it is yoga and Pilates inspired. I don't have much experience with either of these so I am really excited to try this workout!

NO weights
NO Jumps
Just HARDCORE results!
This workout is going to be a hit and will probably sell out quickly!
Message me if you want to get on the emailing list to be notified when it is released!

NO weights
NO Jumps
Just HARDCORE results!
This workout is going to be a hit and will probably sell out quickly!
Message me if you want to get on the emailing list to be notified when it is released!
Sunday, June 15, 2014
Don't let negativity get the best of you!
There are all kinds of people out there who will be jealous of your success and want to bring you down. Don't let them get the best of you!! YES, I workout. YES, I eat healthy. YES, I drink Shakeology. Do you have a problem with that??? Those people don't deserve your time of day. Don't let people tear you down when you are doing something for YOURSELF that makes YOU happy.
There are going to be people that continuously make comments when you bring a healthy meal to work. They will ask you if you want a cookie just to be a smart ass. And if you say yes, they will also make a big deal out of it. Just because we choose to live healthy lifestyles does not mean we are never going to eat something unhealthy again. If you are at a birthday party, have a piece of cake! It is OK. Some people need to understand this!
If YOU are happy with what you are doing, that is all that matters! Surround yourself with positive people who want to see you succeed!! Those are the people that you need in your life right now. If you have been struggling with your weight and want to maintain a healthy life, bring people with you on your journey. Instead of getting upset with the people who throw negativity at you, say something like, "Yes, I am choosing to live a healthier lifestyle and I am proud of myself for that." The reason they are being this way is most likely because they are jealous. They probably don't think that they could ever accomplish what you have.. Invite them to take the journey with you!!
Lastly, be PROUD of yourself! Remind yourself everyday of where you came from and how far you have made it. Life is filled with obstacles that we have to face. And it can be very tempting to cave somedays. If you do, thats ok! But just try to keep a clear view of your end goal. Where do you want to be at the end of this Challenge group, 6 months from now, a year from now? SET GOALS. And don't be afraid of failing to reach those goals. Set weekly goals for yourself also. What are my meals going to look like this week? How about trying new recipes?
So get rid of the negativity in your life and set out to do what YOU want to do. Set that goal and go for it. AIM HIGH! Don't let anything get in your way! You can achieve so much more than you think!!
There are going to be people that continuously make comments when you bring a healthy meal to work. They will ask you if you want a cookie just to be a smart ass. And if you say yes, they will also make a big deal out of it. Just because we choose to live healthy lifestyles does not mean we are never going to eat something unhealthy again. If you are at a birthday party, have a piece of cake! It is OK. Some people need to understand this!
If YOU are happy with what you are doing, that is all that matters! Surround yourself with positive people who want to see you succeed!! Those are the people that you need in your life right now. If you have been struggling with your weight and want to maintain a healthy life, bring people with you on your journey. Instead of getting upset with the people who throw negativity at you, say something like, "Yes, I am choosing to live a healthier lifestyle and I am proud of myself for that." The reason they are being this way is most likely because they are jealous. They probably don't think that they could ever accomplish what you have.. Invite them to take the journey with you!!

So get rid of the negativity in your life and set out to do what YOU want to do. Set that goal and go for it. AIM HIGH! Don't let anything get in your way! You can achieve so much more than you think!!
Saturday, June 14, 2014
7 am workout!
I did the 21 day fix dirty 30 this morning before work. I also did the 10 minute an fix. Oh wow... My abs have never burnt so good during an an workout. You are aure to feel and see results with this program.. Only 8 days left of our challenge group, then I will be posting my results! I can't wait to share my amazing experience with all of you! What a great journey this has been so far. I have taught myself how to eat cleaner and have been enjoying the workouts!! They are so fun :) have a great day!!

Friday, June 13, 2014
Keeping up in life
How do people keep up with everyday life? That is my question of the day. There needs to be more hours in a day. Especially when you have a toddler, there are dishes in the sink and all over the counter, laundry needs to be done, you have work 9-5 that day. You name it- we all have our struggles. It can be extremely hard to get all these things done!! Like REALLY hard somedays.. BUT we have to somehow push through right?
Here is my advice to you- and believe me I am no expert on time management. But this is what I am going to try to start doing starting TODAY.
1. Right down what needs to be done the next day before you go to bed at night.
2. Try to plan out your day. What time are you going to work out? What time are you going to get out of bed. If you have kids, do they nap? What time do they nap?
3. Write a list of all the things you need to do during that nap time. Aka "power hour"
4. Write down things that you want to do for FUN that day. Yes, us adults need to have fun too. Are you going to go out with friends, take your kids to the park, go to the pool for an hour??
5. Get your butt out of bed 1 hour before you need to start your day.. I have SUCH a hard time with this. But starting tomorrow AM, this is happening. Why is this important? You don't start off your day in a chaotic stressful environment. You get to wake up knowing that you have a little time to just BE. OR if you have kids, like me, you can take that hour to have time for yourself. Maybe start breakfast before you have kids pulling at your leg! Make a cup of tea. Sit outside and read for 20 minutes.. ANYTHING that will start off your day in a positive way. I really need to work on this one myself! I know that once I do this, the whole day will go smoothly. I am not much of a morning person :/
So there are some tips that I have that will help you stay more organized during the day and help you manage your time. Like I said, I need to work on all of these myself starting NOW. But I know that if I start doing this it will be easier to make time for my business, family, workouts, and house chores, etc..
Wednesday, June 11, 2014
4 day Shakeology TRIAL!
Have you been waiting to try Shakeology but are not 100% sure that it is right for you? Here is your chance to try it for 4 days! One of my coaches is running a 4 day Shakeology trial group! You will get tips on Shakeology recipes, packets of each flavor, recipes for each meal, and support from our team. What do you have to do? Commit to the 4 days and trying something new. Thats it! How do you get started? Message me and tell me why you want to try Shakeology and I will get you on the right path to a healthier YOU! Shakeology has changed my life! I used to skip lunch and snack all day because as a busy mom, I couldn't find time to make lunch for myself. Once I started Shakeology I found myself feeling fuller and not even thinking about snacks. I look forward to drinking my Shakeology each day. I want to share the amazing benefits of Shakeology with all of you! You will not regret it, I promise! Follow me on Facebook and PM me for more information :)
Saturday, June 7, 2014
When you feel like caving..
Remember why you started! Last night I was at a grill out with my family. They had brats, potato salads, and all kinds of desserts. I ate before I went there but it is still hard watching everyone else dig in. Then I had to go pick up a cold stone smoothie for my husband and stare at it all the way home. If you don't know already I am on the 21 day fix so I am on a strict eating plan right now. But last night I was hungry, and not for anything healthy! So I went and measured myself. I have lost 1/2 inch on my thighs and waist in the first 5 days of the 21 day fix program!! This is because I have been sticking to my meal plan and doing the workouts each and everyday! I know how hard it can be, especially when you are at social gatherings. I am about to go to a bachelorette party and I am not going to be drinking. So if you ever feel like you are going to cave, remember why you are in it! And realize how far you have came so far. Why waste all that hard time and effort for a cookie or a drink? Why? You know you will regret it afterwards.. I know I would regret it for days after if I would have gave in. And remember who your support group is. Your family, coaches, team, etc. If someone is not supporting you, kick them the heck out. Surround yourself with people who want you to succeed your goals and watch you grow!
Thursday, June 5, 2014
You can't pass up these deals!
Get up to 50% off Beachbody workouts and workout equipment for a limited time! Supplies is limited so don't wait! You can't beat these amazing prices. I just put in my order for P90X the other day and got it for $50. Its $130 regular! Yes please :)
Monday, June 2, 2014
Taking a leap of faith is the first step to happiness
Hey everyone! I just wanted to let you all know how I got started coaching and why it has been a life changer for me. I started coaching only 2 weeks ago. I was at a point in my life where I didn't know what to do next. No jobs seemed right for me and I didn't really know who I was. A friend of mine that Neil and I met on our honeymoon introduced me to coaching. And thank the lord that she did! Truly, it has been such a blessing on my life. I had the strongest gut feeling that I have ever had when I was given this opportunity, and I ran with it.
Staying fit and being healthy has always been something that I have been interested in. Working out was a daily thing for me. I always told people that if I could work out for my job that would be the dream job. Well here I am! Working out for my job, getting paid to help people transform their lives, and being held accountable for my own health. How can it not get better than that!?
We just started our challenge group today, June 2nd, and I can not wait to see everyones results. I am having so much fun with this so far. Being held accountable for your own health is only one reason why I love Beachbody coaching. I could make a long list of reasons why I coach, but the biggest reason is to help others reach their fitness goals. Being ashamed of your body and the way you look in the mirror is no way to live your life. So I am going to do everything in my power to help make people feel more confident, healthy, and happy! Taking that leap of faith is the first step to happiness :)
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