Fit mom

Fit mom

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Even bad days have happy moments!

We had a time call last night and I am so glad that I jumped on that call. We talked all about how to be happy in the present and how to train yourself to think positively. That is why I LOVE this business! Everyone wants you to be the best YOU. Its incredible! I have never been so motivated and inspired in my entire life.

We are always waiting for happiness aren't we?
Waiting for the weekend.
Waiting for summer.
Waiting to graduate.
Waiting for a promotion.
Waiting to retire.
Waiting for a vacation.
Waiting to buy a bigger house.

Fill in this blank.
I will be happy when __________.
Truth is, we just need to learn to be happy in the present.

I need to work on this myself for sure! I am not even close to perfect. I am going to be trying a few things to better myself in this area. I need to learn that yes, even on bad days there are happy moments! We just need to chose to focus our attention on those happy moments and not on the negativity that so easy SUCKS us in!

Try just observing sometime. Observe how much negativity there is all around us each day. Its sad really! Observe yourself! When you are getting sucked into the negativity stop and take a breath. Focus on the good things that are happening and be grateful for everything you have.

Smile! Be present! Be Fearless!

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