Fit mom

Fit mom

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

My Transformation!

I guess I will participate in Transformation Tuesday this week but a little late :)

The left picture is back in January 2014 on our honeymoon and the right is about 1 month ago now.

When we were on our honeymoon I did not feel 100% confident with my body. Heck I wasn't very confident at all. I remember seeing this picture and thinking wow I need to change something NOW. Over the winter months I started putting my health aside. I was putting myself last and it was starting to show.

It is hard for me to post this now. To show you that I once too had fallen off track! I want you to know that it is ok to be a beginner. It is ok to be terrified of starting your journey. And it is ok to look up at that mountain that you have to climb and wondering if you are ever going to make it to the top. If you put yourself around the right people, develop a positive mindset, and really WANT it, you will make it!

Everyone has to begin somewhere.

Like or comment if you have ever felt insecure with yourself after you saw a certain picture like I did in the one here!

Email me or find me on Facebook if you want help creating your own transformation!

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