Fit mom

Fit mom

Thursday, August 7, 2014

What if you fly?!

What if I FAIL?! That big scary word!

Many times someones excuse for not doing something that they really WANT is because they are afraid of failing or failing again. We all have to start somewhere with everything right?! Take that leap of faith and RUN with it! Tell yourself that you are worth it and don't let anything hold you back.

Get a clear picture of what is possible for your future!! Don't ask yourself what if I fail, give up, or quite. Ask yourself what if I SUCCEED?! There are so many possibilities!

Believe in yourself. If you go in with all this self doubt your chances of failing are much greater than if you go in with BIG dreams and self worth!

Do you have big dreams?!

Like or comment if you have ever been afraid to dream BIG because of your fear of failure!

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