Fit mom

Fit mom

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Reflecting on 2014

I am sitting here reflecting on my 2014 year…
Where I was last year at this time, and where I am now. The difference is astonishing, really!

Sometimes I think back to before and it feels like a dream. Like a bad dream and place that I was never actually in. But I was. I was there. I was at a low place. I know posting this makes me vulnerable to peoples judgement and I am ok with that because the truth is most of us find ourselves in a low at some point in our lives, right??

It is crazy what you can do and what changes you can make in ONE year.
I love the life I am living.. and I never dreamt it was possible to be here.
-Financial freedom
-Freedom to be home with my daughter EVERY day.
-Gained self confidence
-Gained self worth!
I realized that I DO belong somewhere special here on this earth. I have a PURPOSE.

Do you ever feel like you are just running on a hamster wheel? Not sure where you are going or if you are going in the right direction..?
Been there!

Who wants a new opportunity for 2015?
My biggest goal for this upcoming year is to find and help people who are stuck like I was. And to help them make the same changes in their life! Because I promise you, it is doable! And it is SO worth it!

Comment "IN" below and let's get started :)

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