Fit mom

Fit mom

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Lead by Example

After I became I mom  I went through stages where I would use the mom excuse for not having time to workout. The truth is- I always had time. I just chose to put other things before myself. Or maybe I was just lazy some days and I would use the fact that I am a mom and worn out for not doing my workout.

It can be hard as moms to find that motivation and ENERGY to workout. We get physically and emotionally drained somedays, I know. Catering to a cranky clingy toddlers needs is draining. BUT we need to learn to overcome that and understand that it is SO important to take care of ourselves and be a good example for our kids.

Taking care of yourself is important. As a mom you don't exactly get "me" time much if any. You have to find time for yourself in order to be the best parent you can be also. I have found that out. Sometimes you just need to take time out for yourself. Even if its just a kid free trip to the grocery store. They really weren't kidding when they said that once you become a parent a trip to the grocery store by yourself is like a mini vacation! But that is what working out has become for me- ME time. It allows me to do something good for myself and I feel amazing afterwards. And I do not feel like it was wasted time at all. In fact- I HAVE to get my workout in each day or I just do not feel complete.

Leading by example- As a parent it is our responsibility to develop healthy habits in our kids. It all starts with you and what habits you have. Do you sit on the couch most days or go outside and play with your kids? What are you cooking for you family?? Your kids are watching and learning from these habits. I used to work out while my daughter slept but now I get it done in the morning while she is awake. 1- I get more "me" time during her naps. And 2- she gets to see me working out and gets to dance along with the music with me. No, it is not ideal to workout with a toddler. But it is very doable. The picture you paint in your mind of working out with your kids is worse than what the outcome will be. Eventually your children will know the routine. They will know that after breakfast they get to workout with mommy. And it is a Win Win all around!! Your kids see you doing these healthy habits and you get to do something great for yourself.

So quit using the "I am a mom" excuse to not be healthy. Quit cheating out on healthy meals because you "don't have time". If you have time to run through McDonalds drive thru, you have time to make a sandwich and cut up some fruit for your kids. You need to MAKE time to show our kids how to live healthy lives! All of these habits that they form at a young age are a reflection of what you show them. It is up to you!

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