Fit mom

Fit mom

Sunday, July 20, 2014

My favorite part of life

What is most important to you in life? I am reading a personal development book called the compound effect and the author is talking about knowing what you think is most important to you, what actually is based on your actions, and making changes with what you are doing and how you are acting to make what is most important to you a priority in your life.

Say that you say eating healthy and losing weight is important to you. Yet when you get home from work you plant you butt on the couch with a bag of Doritos. I am not going to believe that being healthy is all that important to you. Or if you say that your family is most important but yet you watch tv at night instead of playing with your kids. I'm gonna believe the tv. 

So I challenge you to think about what you WANT to be most important to you and change what you need to in order to make that #1 in your life. I need to work on this myself also. 

But sitting down with my little girl this morning made me think about this. Do we really value what we have right before us? The amazing opportunities that are offered to is each day? Not really.. Most of us just want the easy way out on everything. We don't take time to analyze and change the things that aren't making us happy. We just learn to deal. So let's take action in our lives and recognize what is most important and change our ways to put those things ahead of the rest :) 

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