Fit mom

Fit mom

Monday, July 14, 2014

Toddler Serving and Portion sizes

Toddler Serving sizes and portions:

Lets face it. All of us moms I'm sure go through dinner some nights were all that your child wants to eat is either the spaghetti noodles alone or even just the sauce off of the noodle. And we let them just to get them to eat! I know that I find myself dishing out way to big of portions for Chloe sometimes. I thought that I would do a little research for myself and then share that with all of you also. 

Its crazy to think that all a 2-3 year old needs is 1 total cup of fruit for the day! Or only 2 cups total of milk per day. This is an awesome guide to print off and hang on your fridge to help you become more aware of the portions that you are giving your toddler and also how often you are offering each food group! And it gives great examples!

We need to teach our kids good eating habits at a young age so that they can develop these habits early. Children who develop healthy habits at a young age are less prone to developing obesity.

Making sure that your toddler gets 1-2 hours of exercise each day will also help prevent obesity. Some activity ideas include outdoor play, going for a walk, the park, the gym, or swimming.


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