Fit mom

Fit mom

Monday, July 7, 2014

I will live out my calling

You know- When I started coaching for Beachbody I was nervous, scared, and excited all at the same time. I knew it was something that I wanted and needed to do but I wasn't sure how I was going to do it. I signed up as a coach and then I spent that whole next day wondering what the HECK do I do now? Where do I start? There are so many things to be learned that I have not a clue about. I was scared for awhile at that moment. I was nervous and scared that I might fail because I don't even know where to begin.

I didn't let that fear consume me. Instead I acted on it. I started watching videos, reading, looking things up to learn everything that I possibly could. I took action! I did everything I could to make sure that I didn't fail. Failure is not an option for me anymore. It used to be my easy way out of things. I would use simple excuses all the time as to why I won't be able to be successful. The truth is that is bull crap! The difference between success and failure is YOU not the circumstances that you are in. With every situation that you are put in you have the choice to choose if you want to keep going or give up.

Don't be that person who gives up when the going gets tough. Use that as fuel and turn it into something amazing! Use your bad days as a reason to try twice as hard tomorrow. 

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