Fit mom

Fit mom

Friday, July 18, 2014

Insecurity is a waste of time.

Yes Yes Yes!! Insecurity is a waste of time. It is so sad how much social media focuses on girls needing to be "skinny" these days. Little girls are growing up with insecurity issues at such a young age. I just saw a post yesterday from one of my coaches who said she overheard a mom talking down to her daughter in the dressing room. Telling her that she couldn't wear cute clothes because she doesn't look good in them. This little girl was 6 I believe she said. WHAT makes that mom think it is ok to tell your daughter that let alone at the age of 6?

We need to redirect our focus. We need to take the focus off of "skinny" and focus on HEALTHY! And we need to help people love themselves and their bodies. Insecurity is a waste of time- It is a waste of time trying to impress others. Instead focus on YOU! What makes YOU happy and what makes YOU feel good about yourself? 

How do you feel about yourself?? How can you change that if you are insecure? Try to focus on HEALTHY and not skinny.. don't crash diet or starve yourself. That won't last and you won't feel any better about yourself in the end. 

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