I was just thinking about being a good example for your kids and leading a healthy lifestyle. I remembered a long time ago, probably a couple years ago at least. I was talking to my mom about why people struggle so much with their weight now days and "back in the day" you didn't see weight problems like you do now. How its SO much harder for people to maintain a healthy weight.
I remember she told me that when she was a kid going to get a soda was a huge deal and a treat that happened very seldom. Now days people replace pop with water. And we wonder why back when our parents were young being a healthy weight was way more common than now.
They had home cooked meals every night. There parents invested the time and money to make sure there was dinner on the table. These days it is so easy to get caught up in life and busy. Going through the drive through and getting a quick meal is so much easier than making one.
If you have to cook ahead! Make enough meals on sunday to get you through the week. Freeze meals so that you can defrost it when you don't have much time. There are ways to get around it! You just need to try harder. Invest your time so that your family won't be another statistic for obesity and they will learn that getting a pop is a treat
Here is the link to the picture since it is so small and hard to read!
Facts about Fast Food..
Fit mom

Wednesday, July 30, 2014
Monday, July 28, 2014
Because I take care of myself first.
Because I take care of myself first, I can take care of others even better.
To all of you moms out there- Being a mom is the hardest job there is!Take the time to take care of yourself too. Be good to yourself and love yourself! You are SO important to your little ones so make sure that you take care of YOU.
Show your kids what it means to take care of yourself and be confident with yourself verses insecure.
Insecurity sucks and I am going to do everything in my power to make sure Chloe loves herself and is
Always confident with who she is.
To all of you moms out there- Being a mom is the hardest job there is!Take the time to take care of yourself too. Be good to yourself and love yourself! You are SO important to your little ones so make sure that you take care of YOU.
Show your kids what it means to take care of yourself and be confident with yourself verses insecure.
Insecurity sucks and I am going to do everything in my power to make sure Chloe loves herself and is
Always confident with who she is.
One positive thought in the morning can change your whole day! Be positive and believe that god is going to have amazing things in store for you this week. You woke up this morning for a reason! YOU have a purpose.
Be the best you can be and do the most you can this week! Take it one day at a time and give it your all. Take chances, work hard, and smile :) Life is way to short to not take chances and be happy!
What amazing things are YOU going to do this week?!
Be the best you can be and do the most you can this week! Take it one day at a time and give it your all. Take chances, work hard, and smile :) Life is way to short to not take chances and be happy!
What amazing things are YOU going to do this week?!
Saturday, July 26, 2014
Chose wisely
Today is a choice. Are you going to let the stress and hurry of the world get in your way of happiness? Joy is a choice. I have struggled with this myself. It is easy to get caught up in your busy life and to get stressed out easily over little things.
We need to all try to just unwind and relax. Move at a slower pace. Who cares if you don't get everything done on your to-do list right NOW. Who cares if you can't get the dishes done right at this second. Enjoy the little things in life because one day we will all realize that they were the big things! Choose Joy :)
Friday, July 25, 2014
Tear down the walls!
You are confined only by the walls you build yourself… so Tear down those walls and free yourself! Don't limit yourself to anything. You are capable of so much more than you think you are.
Why do we build up walls around ourselves? Is it because we like to stay in our comfort zone? Because we are afraid of failing? Because we are just plain lazy?? Probably a little bit of everything. My biggest fear used to be failure. And also the fact that I just didn't SEE myself as ever being truly successful with something. I was just always going to be average. You know what I mean??
You have the power to make a difference! And you have the power to be WAY more than average if you go out of your comfort zone and do something that makes you uncomfortable. But in a good way Strive to be more than average because we are all capable of anything. All that makes a difference between you and someone extremely successful is your mind set!
Wednesday, July 23, 2014
Be a LIGHT to the world!
Be a LIGHT to the world!
It is amazing how opportunities come across you right when you need them the most..
This little 5 year old boy named Danny has cancer. All he wants for his birthday is a card in the mail because he loves getting mail. I wish I could see his face when he receives all the mail that I am sure he is going to get!
Monday, July 21, 2014
Happy Monday!!
Today is Monday! That means that it is a chance to start fresh!! Forget what last week was and envision what this week could bring for you.
Mondays are not always a load of fun for everyone. But they are day 1 of our week. A chance to refocus your values and decide how to make them a priority. Do you want to start spending more time with your family, get ahead at work, reach your fitness goals..? TODAY is a brand new start!
YOU get to decide what to make of the week. So be positive and go in with full force. DOMINATE this week :)
Mondays are not always a load of fun for everyone. But they are day 1 of our week. A chance to refocus your values and decide how to make them a priority. Do you want to start spending more time with your family, get ahead at work, reach your fitness goals..? TODAY is a brand new start!
YOU get to decide what to make of the week. So be positive and go in with full force. DOMINATE this week :)
Sunday, July 20, 2014
My favorite part of life
What is most important to you in life? I am reading a personal development book called the compound effect and the author is talking about knowing what you think is most important to you, what actually is based on your actions, and making changes with what you are doing and how you are acting to make what is most important to you a priority in your life.
Say that you say eating healthy and losing weight is important to you. Yet when you get home from work you plant you butt on the couch with a bag of Doritos. I am not going to believe that being healthy is all that important to you. Or if you say that your family is most important but yet you watch tv at night instead of playing with your kids. I'm gonna believe the tv.
So I challenge you to think about what you WANT to be most important to you and change what you need to in order to make that #1 in your life. I need to work on this myself also.
But sitting down with my little girl this morning made me think about this. Do we really value what we have right before us? The amazing opportunities that are offered to is each day? Not really.. Most of us just want the easy way out on everything. We don't take time to analyze and change the things that aren't making us happy. We just learn to deal. So let's take action in our lives and recognize what is most important and change our ways to put those things ahead of the rest :)
Friday, July 18, 2014
Insecurity is a waste of time.
Yes Yes Yes!! Insecurity is a waste of time. It is so sad how much social media focuses on girls needing to be "skinny" these days. Little girls are growing up with insecurity issues at such a young age. I just saw a post yesterday from one of my coaches who said she overheard a mom talking down to her daughter in the dressing room. Telling her that she couldn't wear cute clothes because she doesn't look good in them. This little girl was 6 I believe she said. WHAT makes that mom think it is ok to tell your daughter that let alone at the age of 6?
We need to redirect our focus. We need to take the focus off of "skinny" and focus on HEALTHY! And we need to help people love themselves and their bodies. Insecurity is a waste of time- It is a waste of time trying to impress others. Instead focus on YOU! What makes YOU happy and what makes YOU feel good about yourself?
How do you feel about yourself?? How can you change that if you are insecure? Try to focus on HEALTHY and not skinny.. don't crash diet or starve yourself. That won't last and you won't feel any better about yourself in the end.
We need to redirect our focus. We need to take the focus off of "skinny" and focus on HEALTHY! And we need to help people love themselves and their bodies. Insecurity is a waste of time- It is a waste of time trying to impress others. Instead focus on YOU! What makes YOU happy and what makes YOU feel good about yourself?
How do you feel about yourself?? How can you change that if you are insecure? Try to focus on HEALTHY and not skinny.. don't crash diet or starve yourself. That won't last and you won't feel any better about yourself in the end.
Wednesday, July 16, 2014
Life begins at the end of your comfort zone
Step out of your comfort zone! Live life without fear. Do something that your future self will thank you for. We all live with so much fear of what might happen if we take a chance at something. But think about the possibilities and opportunities that might come your way instead! You never know if something is right for you until you try it right?! So go ahead and give it a try! What do you have to lose?
This might be starting a new fitness challenge, a new job, buying a new house, moving away.. whatever it is, go for it! If you have that curiosity and want to do more with your life it is up to YOU to make a change. Otherwise you are going to be STUCK there in your old ways and never change. Make the choice and take a chance! Do something more than average!
Tuesday, July 15, 2014
Lead by Example
After I became I mom I went through stages where I would use the mom excuse for not having time to workout. The truth is- I always had time. I just chose to put other things before myself. Or maybe I was just lazy some days and I would use the fact that I am a mom and worn out for not doing my workout.
It can be hard as moms to find that motivation and ENERGY to workout. We get physically and emotionally drained somedays, I know. Catering to a cranky clingy toddlers needs is draining. BUT we need to learn to overcome that and understand that it is SO important to take care of ourselves and be a good example for our kids.
Taking care of yourself is important. As a mom you don't exactly get "me" time much if any. You have to find time for yourself in order to be the best parent you can be also. I have found that out. Sometimes you just need to take time out for yourself. Even if its just a kid free trip to the grocery store. They really weren't kidding when they said that once you become a parent a trip to the grocery store by yourself is like a mini vacation! But that is what working out has become for me- ME time. It allows me to do something good for myself and I feel amazing afterwards. And I do not feel like it was wasted time at all. In fact- I HAVE to get my workout in each day or I just do not feel complete.
Leading by example- As a parent it is our responsibility to develop healthy habits in our kids. It all starts with you and what habits you have. Do you sit on the couch most days or go outside and play with your kids? What are you cooking for you family?? Your kids are watching and learning from these habits. I used to work out while my daughter slept but now I get it done in the morning while she is awake. 1- I get more "me" time during her naps. And 2- she gets to see me working out and gets to dance along with the music with me. No, it is not ideal to workout with a toddler. But it is very doable. The picture you paint in your mind of working out with your kids is worse than what the outcome will be. Eventually your children will know the routine. They will know that after breakfast they get to workout with mommy. And it is a Win Win all around!! Your kids see you doing these healthy habits and you get to do something great for yourself.
So quit using the "I am a mom" excuse to not be healthy. Quit cheating out on healthy meals because you "don't have time". If you have time to run through McDonalds drive thru, you have time to make a sandwich and cut up some fruit for your kids. You need to MAKE time to show our kids how to live healthy lives! All of these habits that they form at a young age are a reflection of what you show them. It is up to you!
Monday, July 14, 2014
Toddler Serving and Portion sizes
Toddler Serving sizes and portions:
Lets face it. All of us moms I'm sure go through dinner some nights were all that your child wants to eat is either the spaghetti noodles alone or even just the sauce off of the noodle. And we let them just to get them to eat! I know that I find myself dishing out way to big of portions for Chloe sometimes. I thought that I would do a little research for myself and then share that with all of you also.
Its crazy to think that all a 2-3 year old needs is 1 total cup of fruit for the day! Or only 2 cups total of milk per day. This is an awesome guide to print off and hang on your fridge to help you become more aware of the portions that you are giving your toddler and also how often you are offering each food group! And it gives great examples!
We need to teach our kids good eating habits at a young age so that they can develop these habits early. Children who develop healthy habits at a young age are less prone to developing obesity.
Making sure that your toddler gets 1-2 hours of exercise each day will also help prevent obesity. Some activity ideas include outdoor play, going for a walk, the park, the gym, or swimming.
Sunday, July 13, 2014
One meal won't change you!
I think we all need this little reminder once in awhile. Just because you went and had some ice cream yesterday doesn't mean you are going to gain 5 lbs. And if you ate a salad for lunch the last 2 days don't expect to drop 5 lbs. either!! It is all about consistency and what you do on a regular basis. Don't get down on yourself if you went out and ate something "bad". Just remember to get back on track!! Thats when you start going down hill is when you fall off track and can't get back on. Remember that the little things you do over a long period of time are what will give you great results!
Saturday, July 12, 2014
Go Ahead!
Go ahead and do something more than average with your life. Set goals, set a plan to reach your goals, and GO. Set out to do something incredible. The possibilities are endless and you never know where life is going to take you. Take chances and be fearless.
The more and more I think about it, the more I see that people talk down on themselves way to much in this world. They just simply don't believe in themselves. Maybe they have had a bad experience with taking a chance before I don't know. But the point is that you are always offered new chances to make a change for the better in your life. How do you know if it is going to be a good choice to make? You probably don't. You can sit and ponder on it but that is going to get you no where. Take the chance! Go with your gut feeling. We set limits on ourselves WAY to often. Don't limit yourself! You have one life to live. What are you going to make of it??
Friday, July 11, 2014
I am a work in progress
Here is a little reminder for the day! Remember that you are human and that you are not meant to be perfect. Work hard for the body and for the life you want but don't be let down or ashamed when you get a little off course. YOU are a work in progress. You might go down hill a little but the important thing is that you stay strong enough to rise back up and get back on track! No one ever said it was going to be easy. But if you stick with it and stay strong it WILL be worth it!
I never used to think of my body as a work in progress. If I gained a few pounds I would get down on myself and just assume that I wasn't meant to have my dream body. Now I know and understand that perfection is never reached! We ARENT perfect. Being the best that YOU can be is something that you should always be shooting for. And thats what this is all about. Not being skinny and perfect, about becoming the best YOU can and working to reach YOUR goals each day.
Each day when you wake up in the morning remember this. Or if you start to doubt yourself remember that you are not perfect and neither is anyone else. We all have struggles and doubts. But how you overcome them is what truly matters. And that you keep on keeping on :) No matter what. Each day is a new day to do something great!

Wednesday, July 9, 2014
You miss 100% of the shots you don't take.
Don't miss a chance at something because you are afraid of what might happen. Be excited about what COULD happen! Take chances. Life is all about lessons and taking risks. How will you ever know if something was meant for you if you don't give it a shot??
I am living by this because ever since I started coaching my life has completely changed. My mind set on what I am capable of doing has changed. No longer am I going to give myself barriers as far as what I am able to achieve. You can do so much more than you tell yourself. Give yourself a chance and take the shot.
You only have one life to live. So don't spend it living in your comfort zone and afraid of exploring what you are capable of doing. You are only one single person on this planet. But YOU can make a change. For yourself, your family, or others. So go out there and take control of your life and take chances. You never know what might come of it. Have a wonderful day! <3
Monday, July 7, 2014
I will live out my calling
You know- When I started coaching for Beachbody I was nervous, scared, and excited all at the same time. I knew it was something that I wanted and needed to do but I wasn't sure how I was going to do it. I signed up as a coach and then I spent that whole next day wondering what the HECK do I do now? Where do I start? There are so many things to be learned that I have not a clue about. I was scared for awhile at that moment. I was nervous and scared that I might fail because I don't even know where to begin.
I didn't let that fear consume me. Instead I acted on it. I started watching videos, reading, looking things up to learn everything that I possibly could. I took action! I did everything I could to make sure that I didn't fail. Failure is not an option for me anymore. It used to be my easy way out of things. I would use simple excuses all the time as to why I won't be able to be successful. The truth is that is bull crap! The difference between success and failure is YOU not the circumstances that you are in. With every situation that you are put in you have the choice to choose if you want to keep going or give up.
Don't be that person who gives up when the going gets tough. Use that as fuel and turn it into something amazing! Use your bad days as a reason to try twice as hard tomorrow.
I didn't let that fear consume me. Instead I acted on it. I started watching videos, reading, looking things up to learn everything that I possibly could. I took action! I did everything I could to make sure that I didn't fail. Failure is not an option for me anymore. It used to be my easy way out of things. I would use simple excuses all the time as to why I won't be able to be successful. The truth is that is bull crap! The difference between success and failure is YOU not the circumstances that you are in. With every situation that you are put in you have the choice to choose if you want to keep going or give up.
Don't be that person who gives up when the going gets tough. Use that as fuel and turn it into something amazing! Use your bad days as a reason to try twice as hard tomorrow.
Sunday, July 6, 2014
I will beat her
Getting fit is not about being better than anyone else. It is about being better than yourself and becoming the best version of yourself! Do this for you! Be better than who you have been. Not only with your health and fitness but with everything! Be the best person that you can be.
You may have tried before and lost track of yourself. Slipped back into your old ways. But not this time! We are going hard core this time and you are going to get through it. It will be tough but you will get through it. Don't let that voice inside your head tell you that it is ok to give up on yourself. You are capable of so much more than you think. So try again! Because this time we aren't giving up on ourselves.
Choosing to become healthier is never ending. It is a journey. It starts when you decide that you want more for yourself. It starts when you decide that you can and will accomplish what you set your mind to! Once you form those habits and that mind set is locked in, you are going to go places! You are going to achieve amazing things. Don't be little yourself!
You may have tried before and lost track of yourself. Slipped back into your old ways. But not this time! We are going hard core this time and you are going to get through it. It will be tough but you will get through it. Don't let that voice inside your head tell you that it is ok to give up on yourself. You are capable of so much more than you think. So try again! Because this time we aren't giving up on ourselves.
Choosing to become healthier is never ending. It is a journey. It starts when you decide that you want more for yourself. It starts when you decide that you can and will accomplish what you set your mind to! Once you form those habits and that mind set is locked in, you are going to go places! You are going to achieve amazing things. Don't be little yourself!
Saturday, July 5, 2014
Take control of the reins!
This quote came out of my personal development book that I am reading! Grab ahold of the reins and move your life in the direction that you really want to go! Where do you start though? You can make a list of goals that you want to accomplish, but you need to have a plan on how you are actually going to get there.
If you want to make a change in your life, become aware of what is stopping you from getting there. The small choices we make everyday paints a bigger picture of where we are going to be in the future. They may not seem like big decisions now. But those small choices form habits. And those small habits become permanent.
So lets change those small habits together! I have some things I want to change in my life. How about you? What is it that you would like to change or become better at? Better job, losing weight, eating healthier, becoming a better parent?? Whatever it is, focus on the little things that you are doing each day. Do your workout daily. Schedule time to set aside with your kids each day. Plan your meals ahead of time so that you are not tempted to eat out. Changing what you do daily will form new habits. And over time those new habits will become permanent. I am going to make a list of habits that I want to change and become aware of what I am doing each day. None of us are perfect. We all have something we could improve on!
Wednesday, July 2, 2014
You have to create you own sunshine!!
Before this opportunity came across me I felt mediocre. I
didn’t feel very special or like I could ever make an impact in the world. I was just average. And that is what everyone
wants to be is AVERAGE. We don’t want to be below average because we are afraid
of failure or being judged. And most of us WANT to be above average but we are
way to darn scared of taking a step to make it happen. Because we are afraid of
Failure can kiss my butt! I am not afraid of it anymore. You
have nothing to lose! In order to be above average in this competitive world,
you must take CHANCES! Give it everything you’ve got! It is completely up to
you to make a change in your life, your family’s life, and the life of
others. No one else is going to do it
for you. In order for YOU to be happy, YOU have to create your own sunshine!
This opportunity is full of determination, motivation, and
drive. DRIVE to become whoever you want to be, to go as far as you want to go,
and become the best person you possibly can for you and your family. Do you
want to be able to stay home with your kids and watch them grow up, take a
family vacation, or be able to work when and where you want? YOU need to take
I wish I could just give you guys a day in my mind to see
how amazing this opportunity really is. BUT since I cant I am going to be
setting up a group where you can learn a little more about coaching and what I
do as a coach. Why I love this business SO very much. I need commitment from 5
people before I start! I need 5 people who want to create a better life for
themselves and/or their family.
THIS could be your opportunity! If you have been wanting to
make a change but don’t know where to start or are afraid of failure, please
just talk to me. Let me SHOW you how you can become successful and make a
change in your life!
Tuesday, July 1, 2014
Why do I LOVE my job??
When I invite people to take that step and to change their lives, I am doing it because I am excited for them and to see what they can accomplish. I know in my heart that if you put 100% dedication into the program and into our challenge group, you will feel amazing when we are done. You will feel confident and happy! Because what you have been telling yourself for so long you can not do, you have finally done!!
I am in love with this business. I really truly am. Nothing has ever felt so right to me! And I am beyond grateful that this opportunity fell into place at the right time. I am 100% committed to my customers. I am willing to do whatever it takes for them to get the results that they want. And thats because no one should have to feel ashamed of themselves when they look in the mirror or are out in public. No girl should have to feel ashamed when wearing a dress or shorts because she doesn't like her body.
The best feeling ever is when someone tells you that they feel good about themselves again! When they say that they have been self conscious about a certain part of their bodies for so long and now because of me, they no longer are!!! Wow. That is such a rewarding feeling. :) <3
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